BSc. In Computer Science






The Model Exit Exam Has 91 Multiple Choose Questions.

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1 / 91

  _________________ensures that all the changes done on a record by a transition were done persistently.

2 / 91

Which of the following is true about the query given below? SELECT col_1, col_2 FROM tab1 ORDER BY col_1;

3 / 91

The regular expression r = b*ab* + b* represents any string w over {a,b}:

4 / 91

One of the following is correct sequence in Data Transparency.

5 / 91

Which of the following is the correct syntax for referring the external style sheet?

6 / 91

The primary objective of the analysis phase is to ____________.

7 / 91

The SQL command that you use to define the primary key for an existing table called ‘Employee’ with the primary column to be ’empid’

8 / 91

The height of tree is the length of the longest root to leaf path in it. The max. and min. number of node in binary tree of height 5 are:

9 / 91

Mail services are available to network users throught the __________layer.

10 / 91

Identify the options among the following which invokes the exception class.

11 / 91

All of the following are functions of semantic analysis except ______.

12 / 91

Which one of the following is FALSE?

13 / 91

Firewalls are used to protect against _______________.

14 / 91

Control of users’ access to network resources through charges is the main responsibility of____________

15 / 91

Which feature of OOP is indicated by the following code? class student{ int marks; }; class topper:public student{ int age; topper(int age){ this.age=age; } };

16 / 91

The SQL command that you use to define the primary key for an existing table called ‘Employee’ with the primary column to be ’empid’

17 / 91

Which of the following keywords is used to define a variable in Javascript?

18 / 91

Which of the following is a benefit of encapsulation in object-oriented programming?

19 / 91

A computer checks the ………………………… of user names and passwords for a match before granting access.

20 / 91

___________ is the modified version of a data item does not overwrite its disk copy but is written at a separate disk location.

21 / 91

Which component is used for Agents to interact with environments?

22 / 91

Message encryption/decryption done at which layers in OSI model

23 / 91

Identify the wrong statement from the following:

24 / 91

Software, such as viruses, worms and Trojan horses, that has a malicious intent is known as:

25 / 91

what will be the output of the following fragmented c++ program?int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){char s1[6] = “Hello”; char s2[6] = “World”;char s3[12] = s1 + ” ” + s2;cout<

26 / 91

In project Which phase is finding and describing the objects or concepts in the problem domain.

27 / 91

In the while statement, while(x<100) ..., when does the statement controlled by the condition execute?

28 / 91

In which access should a constructor be defined, so that object of the class can be created in any function?

29 / 91

What is an abstract class in Java?

30 / 91

Which of the following is an objective of network security?

31 / 91

Which of the following correctly declares an array?

32 / 91

Mr. X Sends 10000 birr to Mr. Y by CBE, But, in the database there is incorrect input, deadlock, and incorrect synchronization. Which types of database failure occurs.

33 / 91

1.   A queue follows _________:

34 / 91

Which concept in OOP allows a subclass to inherit features from a superclass?

35 / 91

A system has 3 processes sharing 4 resources. If each process needs a maximum of 2 units then, deadlock ___________

36 / 91

Which tool is used for grouping of characters in tokens in the compiler?

37 / 91

Which one of the following has high social interaction?

38 / 91

Which of the following refers to the level of data abstraction that describes exactly how the data actually stored?

39 / 91

Which of the following is arranged in the correct Active Directory organizational order (largest to smallest)?

40 / 91

The regular expression for the language of all strings of 0′s and 1′s with no two consecutive 0′s is_______

41 / 91

The regular expression r = b*ab* + b* represents any string w over {a,b}:

42 / 91

A system has 12 magnetic tape drives and 3 processes: P0, P1, and P2. Process P0 requires 10 tape drives, P1 requires 4 and P2 requires 9 tape drives. Process: p0, p1 and p2, maximum needs (10, 4 &9) resp. currently allocated (5, 2 &2) resp. Which of the following sequence is a safe sequence?

43 / 91

What is the final value of x when the code int x; for(x=0; x<10; x++) {} is run?

44 / 91

Transport layer protocols deals with ____________

45 / 91

With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named “Persons” where the value of the column “FirstName” is “Peter”?

46 / 91

In Network Management System, the term that is responsible for controlling access to network based on predefined policy is called ___________

47 / 91

Which of the following syntax is incorrect for the class definition?

48 / 91

Consider the grammar with non-terminals N = {S , C , S}, terminals T = {a, b , i , t, e}, with S as the start symbol, and production rules: S -> iCtSS1 | a ,S1 -> S1eS | ε ,C -> b.The grammar is NOT LL(1) because ________

49 / 91

Salale university Computer Science Department develop a project entitled “Athematic system in case of Commercial bank of Ethiopia”. Which one is Not correct about the given alternatives.

50 / 91

  The size of virtual memory is based on which of the following?

51 / 91

A process refers to 5 pages, A, B, C, D, E in the order : A, B, C, D, A, B, E, A, B, C, D, E. If the page replacement algorithm is FIFO, the number of page transfers with an empty internal store of 3 frames is?(fault page)

52 / 91

Which one of the following uses data structures or records to represent the same knowledge?

53 / 91

The primary objective of the design phase is to ____________.

54 / 91

Which one of the following uses quantifiers?

55 / 91

Which types of Normal form is every non-key attribute in a table is functionally dependent on the entire primary key

56 / 91

The following are the common duties of the System Administrator except for:

57 / 91

Which SQL statement inserts data into a table called Projects?

58 / 91

What is the correct syntax of for loop?

59 / 91

Let X is a problem that belongs to the class NP. Then which one of the following is TRUE?

60 / 91

Two computers C1 and C2 are configured as follows. C1 has IP address and net mask C2 has IP address and net mask which one of the following statements is true?

61 / 91

Which types of Data Update acts as all modified data items in the cache is written either after a transaction ends its execution in data recovery.

62 / 91

Javascript is an _______ language?

63 / 91

Consider a computer system that supports 32-bit physical as well as virtual addresses. Now since the space of the physical address is the same size as the virtual address, the OS designers would decide to entirely get rid of its virtual memory. Which one of these is true in this case?

64 / 91

Which one of the following is used as central component of a knowledge-based agent?

65 / 91

Which of the following features cannot be captured by context free grammar?

66 / 91

Which of the following commands will force an update of group policy of computers on the domain configuration?

67 / 91

A queue is implemented using an array such that ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE operations are performed efficiently. Which one of the following statements is CORRECT (n refers to the number of items in the queue)?

68 / 91

elect the correct sequence of testing activities during software quality assurance.

69 / 91

Which one of the following is TRUE about heterogeneous distributed database?

70 / 91

The pairs of OSI protocol layer/sub-layer and its functionality are given below, the INCORRECT pair from among these are:

71 / 91

Which phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) focuses on gathering and understanding user requirements?

72 / 91

Assume you are requested to model the library management system of the classes, and there is the relationship that a library contains students and books. From these classes which of the following relationship is not true?

73 / 91

User datagram protocol is called connectionless because _____________

74 / 91

What is the best case and worst case for linear search respectively?

75 / 91

Given the following productions: E→E * F| E + F| F, F→F – F | id, Which one of the following is True?

76 / 91

Which one of the following is true for NFA machine M to accept a string?

77 / 91

Which of the following derivation does a top – down parser uses while parsing an input string?

78 / 91

  _______ Database recovery is Restore all BFIMs on to disk (Remove all AFIMs).

79 / 91

Let X is a problem that belongs to the class NP. Then which one of the following is TRUE?

80 / 91

Which phase of the compiler checks the grammar of the programming?

81 / 91

________________is a computer crime in which a criminal breaks into a computer system for exploring details of information etc.

82 / 91

In object-oriented model, which one is Class Operations to destroy an object.

83 / 91

Choose the option which prevents a method from being overridden by a subclass?

84 / 91

Which of the following is used in situations in which that expertise is in short supply, expensive or unavailable when required?

85 / 91

Which one of the following used focused graphs to represent knowledge?

86 / 91

One of the following is correct alignment in Software Lifecycle Activities.

87 / 91

DCE transmit on pin __ and receives on pin___

88 / 91

Which of the following is not a function of a network administrator?

89 / 91

Let assume that T1 & t2 are two transactions; 100 Birrs transact from acc A to Acc B. A=500 and B=200. The transaction is done with appropriate consistency. What is the value of Isolation in T2?

90 / 91

Which one of the following is a 3-tier Database management system Architectures?

91 / 91

Which software development methodology involves regular and frequent communication between developers and stakeholders?

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