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Tourism &Hotel Mgt


Tourism &Hotel Mgt

Multiple Choose

1 / 150

What a tour guide should check back and which things that includes reconfirm details of your tour; finalize some aspects of the tour Prepare contingency plan for the unexpected and spontaneous is?

2 / 150

One of the following is not true about marketing plan.

3 / 150

__________ Types of hotels are situated on the surface of water such as, Sea, Lake.

4 / 150

The followings are correct statements about Percentage Technique to expand recipe yield, except;

5 / 150

Hubbart formula sometimes called a “bottom up “approach the reason behind this concept will be.

6 / 150

An independent tour designed to meet the needs of an individual client?

7 / 150

Which one is incorrect about the principles of sustainable tourism management?

8 / 150

From types of stores, select the one for keeping perishable products chilled;

9 / 150

The last action when an event organizer developing a sponsorship plan is?

10 / 150

From the following one is the main functions of front office department in terms of room Sales.

11 / 150

Among three basic stock levels which one is correct about recorded level of stock;

12 / 150

The total number of persons who travel, or wish to travel, to use tourist facilities and services at places away from their places of work and residence is known as____________.

13 / 150

At the end of each travel to the specific destination the tourist is left with little that is tangible but an abundance of recollections. This Statement Refers to:

14 / 150

Which one of the following is correctly matched in terms of the definition?

15 / 150

Which one of the following is not a base of hotel classifications?

16 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with shelf life of the items

17 / 150

One of the following is not factors for increasing attention on developing distribution channels

18 / 150

Assume you are room attendant at Blue Nile Resort and Hotel, during your daily activities which one is wrong task to reduce safety risks?

19 / 150

Which one of the following is the busiest department in hospitality establishment’s especially in hotels;

20 / 150

Which one of the following is not describe Tourism Resources of Western Ethiopia?

21 / 150

As you know Simien lodge is owned and run by one of foreign person/s; if so, what kind of negative economic impact show this case?

22 / 150

The Rule of thumb approach is fails to takes into considerations, since in establishing room rate. Except

23 / 150

The term leakage describes which phenomenon?

24 / 150

Among the following, which one is not the advantage of a tour accompanied with a guide?

25 / 150

From the flowing meal plan of a hotel which one is more flexible?

26 / 150

The followings are statements to describe the term receiving, except;

27 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through the documentation of prior period operation?

28 / 150

Which one of the following is wrong about the nature of tourism?

29 / 150

Which of the following one is true about organization?

30 / 150

From the following is best applicable mechanism to manage revues in front office room sales.

31 / 150

Talk between the travel companies and the principals for the terms, conditions and prices of the components of a tour package”?

32 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through item shelf life

33 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with sales performance forecast.

34 / 150

Purchasing is essentially a matter of :

35 / 150

The success or quality of tourism product highly depends on;

36 / 150

One among the emergency evacuation plan for emergency situations in hotel safety & security plans.

37 / 150

Which one of the following are not basic and essential principles of ecotourism

38 / 150

A person who guides groups or individual visitors from abroad or from the home country around the monuments, sites and museums of a city or region” to interpret in inspiring and entertaining manner, in the language of the visitor’s choice, the cultural and natural heritage and environment is?

39 / 150

The following are ways of handling guest complaints except one?

40 / 150

Select the correct statement about expanding recipe yield

41 / 150

Choose the correct objective of storing,

42 / 150

One of the following is correct about the major reasons for evaluation of tour in one destination?

43 / 150

The main aim of ___________hotel is to keep it away from the hustle and bustle, chaos and Confusions of the town.

44 / 150

Which type of food and beverage service operation serving food at a location away from the caterer’s food production facility?

45 / 150

Hotels more than 300 guest rooms are known as?

46 / 150

The followings are Benefit of accurate Sales Forecasts is, except

47 / 150

A Commercial transaction in which two parties agree by way of offer generally involves marketing services provided by the event organizer in exchange for the sponsor‘s cash or in-kind contribution to the event.

48 / 150

Which one of the following is the benefit of E-business?

49 / 150

It is the process of methodically gathering, analysing, and interpreting data about external opportunities and threats?

50 / 150

Among the following statements which one represents the eastern region of Ethiopia?

51 / 150

In Hotel plan modified American plan is characterized in ________?

52 / 150

Which of the following is incorrect about customer focused strategy?

53 / 150

Which one is not true about basic food & beverage Service equipment?

54 / 150

Given to any individual or organization that makes travel arrangements on behalf of a third party, providing a link between customers and the suppliers of travel products and services is?

55 / 150

Which one of the following is a foot step to visit southern part of Ethiopian?

56 / 150

It is a tool of sustainable tourism used to assess the impact of tourism industry sectors and their operation through; Fee Advantage Analysis and Eco-friendly Assessing.

57 / 150

Developing and promoting more varied uses of products among current markets by packaging existing products more effectively new features, experiences?

58 / 150

Which one of the following is not the function of distribution channel?

59 / 150

Which one of the following positioning strategy implies all sources of cost advantage must be explored and that a standard, no-frills/basic product must be sold?

60 / 150

A type tour operators who promote tours to foreign destinations, may be business tours or leisure tours are?

61 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through the documentation of prior period operation

62 / 150

Which of the following guest cycles room reservation takes place?

63 / 150

Which one of the following is not the principle of event management?

64 / 150

The organization chart of food and beverage service departments should be provided?

65 / 150

The followings are statements to describe the term receiving, except;

66 / 150

Among the components of tourism, which one is the means to reach and move around the destination?

67 / 150

One among the following is not a low demand tactics?

68 / 150

The private or special tourist accommodation comprises?

69 / 150

Which one is the logical and systematic process of eliminating or minimizing the adverse impact of activities which may give rise to dangerous or damaging situations?

70 / 150

The followings statements are general storage guidelines, select the correct one related with the sequence of issuing items;

71 / 150

Which one of the following is incorrect about itinerary (description of a journey)?

72 / 150

Which of the following statement best describes facilitating product?

73 / 150

The followings are describe Purchasing, except

74 / 150

Which one of the following constitutes the highest number of endemism on the bases of their environmental adaptation in Ethiopia?

75 / 150

From the following bed room types one is mostly occupied by higher political officials as the result of its luxuriousness.

76 / 150

Assume your homeland is Singapore and you want to visit Ethiopia particularly walled city of Harrar so, in what forms of tourism you have decided to attend?

77 / 150

The result we are going to gain after minus labor and material costs is

78 / 150

Which one of the following are not basic characteristics of accommodation products?

79 / 150

Which one of the following is an educational event that can be used to quickly upgrade the employees’ knowledge base or showcase the company’s expertise on a specific topic?

80 / 150

Assume that Mr. John is a Germany person and now he is visiting the historical places of Ethiopia; what kind of tourist is Mr. John?

81 / 150

From the following types of brush one is used to remove heavy soiling from small areas?

82 / 150

Identify the wrong statement.

83 / 150

The usefulness of standard purchase specification is

84 / 150

___________________Is the percentage/Share of guests choosing a given menu item from the list of alternatives

85 / 150

Which one of the following is considered as the birth place of Ethiopian civilization?

86 / 150

Which of the following deals with the hotel acknowledging and verifying a guest‟s room request and personal information by telephoning, faxing, or mailing/emailing a letter of confirmation?

87 / 150

Which one of the following is not the function of Tour operator?

88 / 150

The things that make a big difference in service delivery system to customer service include?

89 / 150

To all those individuals, who have potential to undergo any tour, but they have delayed their plan due to some reasons;

90 / 150

It is a process of creating, communicating and implementing a more operational roadmap to guide the actions, policies and decision-making?

91 / 150

Suppose you are Housekeeping manager at Skylight Hotel, when you provide training for your staff about room status which room clean first?

92 / 150

___________________It’s the difference between sales of different periods

93 / 150

Which one of the following is not a principle for managing and developing tourism destination?

94 / 150

An organization, firm or company which buys individual travel components, separately from their suppliers and combines them into a package tour, which is sold with their own price tag to the public directly or through middlemen is?

95 / 150

Maintaining of host and gust relation, which type of carrying capacity do you prefer?

96 / 150

Key components of inventory in F&B control are;

97 / 150

It is the origin of the rare and critically endangered Coffee Arabica?

98 / 150

Which one of the following is not the strategic foundation for destination?

99 / 150

It comprises participation programmes aimed at the engagement of Small Medium Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) owned by previously disadvantaged persons in all types of contracts?

100 / 150

Which one of the following key actors of sustainable tourism the core of most sustainable tourism literature?

101 / 150

Among the following one is not common examples of Mechanical cleaning equipment?

102 / 150

The followings are Benefit of accurate Sales Forecasts is, except

103 / 150

All of the following are functional management of sustainable tourism except;

104 / 150

From the following one is wrong with respect to PMS in hotel operation.

105 / 150

Food and beverage control tends to be more difficult than the control of materials in many other industries because

106 / 150

Which of the following departments communicate mostly about room statuses or front office terminologies?

107 / 150

Among the following which one is the reason for the growth of leisure time in tourism?

108 / 150

Which one of the following is mostly applicable for most events and festivals?

109 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through item shelf life

110 / 150

Which one is correct matched with Service procedure?

111 / 150

Which one of the following is not true about the Tour Guide?

112 / 150

The costs which vary in proportion to the volume of sales, for example food and beverage is

113 / 150

Which one of the following is combination incorrectly?

114 / 150

Among the following one is not include in the activities of planning and designing stages the tour (pre tour preparation)?

115 / 150

The followings are correct statements about Percentage Technique to expand recipe yield, except;

116 / 150

Describes a variety of characteristics about a certain type of visitor, often including demographic information, psychographic information and spending patterns?

117 / 150

Which one of the following are the main responsibilities of room service manager?

118 / 150

Buyers are too numerous, widely scattered, and varied in their needs and buying practices it is the main reasons for;

119 / 150

It is ranked among the most important sub-Saharan museums in Africa?

120 / 150

Select the correct statement about expanding recipe yield

121 / 150

The consumer uses evidence to reach at a set of final brand choices, to assess products, consumers look at product features, such as quality, price and location it emanates;

122 / 150

It is a type of tourism that involve activities like danger and spirit of voyage white water river rafting, mountain biking, Para sailing

123 / 150

Which one of the following activities is not performing during the check-in procedure in the hotel?

124 / 150

Which of the following is Incorrect about Front Office Department?

125 / 150

Among the following one is the positive economic impact of tourism except________?

126 / 150

Which one of the following are losses and costs arising from legal actions for breach of a law, standard or guideline or breaches or statutory duty of care?

127 / 150

Which is true about food and beverage control?

128 / 150

Among the following, which one is not the skill and quality of an ideal tour guide should have?

129 / 150

Sustainable tourism does NOT aim primarily at:

130 / 150

Which one of the following is a free-lanced guide?

131 / 150

The followings are correct statements for the term Sales Histories, except

132 / 150

Forecasting in Managing the Cost of Food is not

133 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with the outlet products.

134 / 150

Which one of the following positioning strategy does South Africa and other long-haul destinations needs to apply over their competitors in order to secure a strong competitive position?

135 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with product vendor schedule

136 / 150

The perception of tourists about a destination is?

137 / 150

Among the following which one is false statement about Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior?

138 / 150

It is discouraging tourists from visiting traditional and cultural events on specific time;

139 / 150

Suppose you are delegated to housekeeping manager at new establishing hotel, to minimize the cost of the hotel and to be profitable business, what type of laundry recommended to the hotel?

140 / 150

From the following one is the right guests’ checkout procedures in terms of sequence.

141 / 150

_________ is a management philosophy or organizational culture that is based on the need and desire of its customers.

142 / 150

Among the following one is wrong in terms of front office department’s communication with other departments in the hotel.

143 / 150

A way of event marketing strategy in which keyword-rich article that is hosted on another website is?

144 / 150

Which of the following elements of a destination is important as gives direction to the destination and attractions and facilities?

145 / 150

What is the primary consideration of the pricing strategy revenue management?

146 / 150

Ethiopian landscape is dominated by?

147 / 150

Among the following alternatives which one is the first step of developing travel circuit in one destination?

148 / 150

In a large hotels who is the person in charge to provide information to guests on hotel facilities, local events and attractions?

149 / 150

A group of services related to travel or vacations that are sold together for one fixed price include helicopter rides, theatre tickets, picnics/recreational movement, community events, and hands-on learning experiences is?

150 / 150

Call customers by their name and title is responding to customer needs for:

Your score is


Marketing Management model exam II -2016


Marketing Management model exam II -2016

Choose the correct answer

1 / 100

_________ is the process that helps managers understand the nature of the industry, the way firms behave competitively within the industry, and how competition is generally undertaken.

2 / 100

Directing the promotional mix at ultimate consumers to encourage them to ask retailers for the product is referred to as a ___________.

3 / 100

What is the concept of sales performance evaluation in sales management?

4 / 100

The three major tasks involved in the implementation stage of the sales management process are ___________.

5 / 100

Parents buy toys or gifts for their children. This act is considered as _______ in the buying process.

6 / 100

How does the concept of brand positioning influence product and brand management strategies?

7 / 100

What is the concept of cognitive dissonance in consumer buying behavior?

8 / 100

If a brand has high brand equity, this typically reduces the time consumers spend on the …. phase in the consumer buying process:

9 / 100

Which of the following is NOT a sales manager’s task in the implementation stage of the sales management process?

10 / 100

One of the main advantages of using a direct export mode over an indirect export mode is:

11 / 100

Achieving the right brand identity means creating brand _________ with customers.

12 / 100

How does the concept of target marketing influence business marketing strategies?

13 / 100

Mostly, the major source of power throughout the distribution channel is:

14 / 100

During the prospecting stage of the personal selling process, salespeople will deal with

15 / 100

  ______is the practice of using team selling to focus on important customers so as to build mutually beneficial, long-term relationships.

16 / 100

How does the concept of differentiation contribute to competitive advantage in strategic marketing?

17 / 100

Which of the following is NOT a motive for using penetration pricing when exporting?

18 / 100

How does the concept of sales training and development contribute to effective sales management?

19 / 100

The description of a population according to selected characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, income, and occupation is referred to as ___________.

20 / 100

_____________is displayed by a person while buying milk.

21 / 100

How does the concept of brand identity contribute to successful product and brand management strategies?

22 / 100

To have value, a brand must offer which one of the following?

23 / 100

Which of the following is NOT a quantitative technique of sales forecasting?

24 / 100

How does the concept of market penetration strategy impact strategic marketing decisions?

25 / 100

In the context of consumer buying decisions, which of the following is a need or want that is strong enough to cause a person to seek satisfaction?

26 / 100

What is the concept of sales pipeline management in sales management?

27 / 100

Benefits of having different brands include all of the following except:

28 / 100

What is the concept of customer relationship management (CRM) in strategic marketing?

29 / 100

Changing the place an offering occupies in consumers’ minds relative to competitive products is referred to as _____________.

30 / 100

What is the concept of co-branding in product and brand management?

31 / 100

What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis in marketing?

32 / 100

How does the concept of customer relationship management (CRM) software support sales management efforts?

33 / 100

Consumer decision process model represents…

34 / 100

The marketing strategy of developing new products and selling them in new markets is referred to as _______________.

35 / 100

How does the concept of SWOT analysis inform strategic marketing decisions?

36 / 100

__________________is based on demand for the product and the cost of producing that product?

37 / 100

How does the concept of supply chain management impact agricultural marketing strategies?

38 / 100

During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, a/an ________may be used. This pricing strategy charges a high price to recoup the costs of product development.

39 / 100

What is the role of positioning in strategic marketing?

40 / 100

A brand-based model reveals the following:

41 / 100

What is the purpose of market positioning in marketing?

42 / 100

What is the purpose of a marketing plan?

43 / 100

How does the concept of digital marketing influence strategic marketing planning?

44 / 100

Which of the following is an area of a behaviorally-related sales objective?

45 / 100

Choosing a suitable international brand name is an important, but often difficult, part of the process that creates a strong and distinctive brand. Which of the following statements about choosing a name for a new soft drink is UNTRUE?

46 / 100

Marketers need to position their brands clearly in target customers’ minds. The strongest brands go beyond attributes or benefit positioning. They are positioned on the basis of which of the following?

47 / 100

How does the concept of branding influence business marketing decisions?

48 / 100

What is the concept of branding in marketing?

49 / 100

What is the concept of brand equity in product and brand management?

50 / 100

How does the concept of market segmentation influence marketing research strategies?

51 / 100

The idea that an organization should strive to satisfy the needs of consumers while also trying to achieve the organization’s goals reflects the ____________.

52 / 100

Dibora usually buys a Yirga caffe coffee and never considers buying any other type of coffee. She makes this decision without much thought or effort. Dibora is including in:

53 / 100

How does the concept of target market selection influence strategic marketing efforts?

54 / 100

Which of the following statements is NOT true of the different types of needs as categorized by Abraham Maslow?

55 / 100

What is the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC) in business marketing?

56 / 100

How does the concept of sampling error impact the reliability of marketing research findings?

57 / 100

What is the concept of sampling in marketing research?

58 / 100

What is the concept of product lifecycle management in strategic marketing?

59 / 100

A differentiated product may be unique in the marketplace, but it will only be successful under which of the following circumstances?

60 / 100

Any container in which a product is offered for sale and on which information is communicated is referred to as __________.

61 / 100

Which of the following is NOT a component of the marketing mix?

62 / 100

A favorable attitude toward and consistent purchase of a single brand over time is referred to as _____________.

63 / 100

Another name for the analysis of consumer lifestyle is ________________.

64 / 100

What is the term used to refer to intangible activities or benefits that an organization provides to satisfy consumers’ needs in exchange for money or something else of value?

65 / 100

Hampton Hotels is an organization that has a worldwide chain of hotels. Most of these hotels are not owned by Hampton Hotels, but are run by independent hotel owners. Hampton Hotels mainly takes care of the marketing and brand management of the chain of hotels; the rest of the operations are left in the hands of the independent owners. What is the name given to the cooperation between Hampton Hotels and the owners of the hotels?

66 / 100

How do psychological factors such as personality and self-concept influence consumer buying behavior?

67 / 100

Any word, device (design, sound, shape, or color), or a combination of these used to distinguish a seller’s goods or service is referred to as a _________.

68 / 100

Brand management came into being for which of the following reasons:

69 / 100

At which stage in the personal selling process does a salesperson search for and qualify potential customers?

70 / 100

A major element of the promotion mix in today’s world. Most businesses have a corporate website, as well as pages on different social media sites

71 / 100

Sales promotions that require participants to submit some kind of entry form but are purely games of chance requiring no analytical or creative effort by the consumer are referred to as

72 / 100

How does the concept of market research impact business marketing strategies?

73 / 100

What is the concept of channel conflict in marketing channel and logistics management?

74 / 100

What is the role of hypothesis testing in marketing research?

75 / 100

The marketing strategist also needs to understand how to win the competitive battle except?

76 / 100

How does the concept of sales forecasting impact sales management decisions?

77 / 100

What is the concept of validity in marketing research?

78 / 100

One of the more specific groups of potential consumers toward which an organization directs its marketing program is referred to as a ______________.

79 / 100

What is the concept of service quality in service marketing?

80 / 100

What is the concept of motivation in consumer buying behavior?

81 / 100

What is the concept of market access in agricultural marketing?

82 / 100

How does the concept of brand extension impact product and brand management decisions?

83 / 100

To keep your brand into recognition, it is important to _________ according to an effective through plan.

84 / 100

_________ advertising affords the marketer the ability to engage the consumer in a direct and personal way.

85 / 100

What is the difference between a target market and a target audience?

86 / 100

What is the difference between primary and secondary data in marketing research?

87 / 100

What is the concept of perception in consumer buying behavior?

88 / 100

The ratio of sales revenue of the firm to the total sales revenue of all firms in the industry, including the firm itself is referred to as ______________.

89 / 100

The personal gratification that consumers associate with a product or service fulfills:

90 / 100

Which of the following needs pertain specifically to the performance of a product or service?

91 / 100

How does the concept of service recovery impact customer retention in service marketing?

92 / 100

What is the concept of competitive advantage in strategic marketing?

93 / 100

What is the concept of sales force motivation in sales management?

94 / 100

How does the concept of service innovation drive competitive advantage in service marketing?

95 / 100

How does the concept of reliability apply to marketing research?

96 / 100

If a company introducing a new brand under the source brand or endorsing brand strategy to gain the benefits of brand power, you again are in a position to charge a _________.

97 / 100

How does the concept of competitive analysis drive strategic decision-making in business marketing?

98 / 100

What is the difference between internal and external influences on consumer buying behavior?

99 / 100

A company uses an indirect export channel when:

100 / 100

What is the concept of value proposition in business marketing?

Your score is


2nd round model exam for accounting and finance students


2nd round model exam for accounting and finance students

choose the best answer

1 / 100

ABC Company sells its only product for birr 19 per unit, variable production costs are birr 13 per unit, and selling and administrative costs are birr 4.50 per unit. Fixed costs for 10,000 units are birr 5,000. The contribution margin is:

2 / 100

A gain or loss arising from the re-measurement of an investment property should

3 / 100

Under the effective-interest method of bond discount or premium amortization, the periodic interest expense is equal to

4 / 100

Assets classified as non-current in accordance with IAS 1 presentation of Financial Statements _________ they meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5.

5 / 100

  Identify the false statement related to the term cost

6 / 100

One of the following is not true about liability

7 / 100

  Beta measures:

8 / 100

  _______________ implies that a financial instrument can be exchanged for any other asset and logically, the so formed asset may be transferred back into the original financial instrument.

9 / 100

When 20,000 units are produced, fixed costs are birr 16 per unit. Therefore, when 40,000 units are produced fixed costs will:

10 / 100

The probability that the economy will experience a recession next year is 30%, while the probability of moderate growth or rapid expansion are 50% and 20%, respectively. The stock Firm A is expected to return 5%, 15%, or 20%, depending on whether the economy experiences a recession, moderate growth or rapid expansion, respectively. Calculate the expected return and standard deviation for firm A.

11 / 100

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is primarily used to:

12 / 100

“Some risk cannot be diversified away and is due to the overall exposure of an investment to movements in the economy.” This quote is referring to:

13 / 100

Which one of the following is within the scope of IAS 41?

14 / 100

AD Corporation signed a three-month, zero-interest-bearing $152,205 note on November 1, 2015 for the purchase of $150,000 of inventory. The adjusting entry made at December 31, 2015 will include a

15 / 100

One of the following is true about fair value measurement if there is a quoted price in an active market for an identical asset or liability

16 / 100

  In order to construct a riskless portfolio using two risky stocks, one would need to find two stocks with a correlation coefficient of _________.

17 / 100

  The use of pre numbered checks in disbursing cash is an application of the principle of:

18 / 100

Under IFRS, cash and cash equivalentsare reported:

19 / 100

  Which of the following statements about the risk-return tradeoff is true?

20 / 100

Suppose Company A has a machine costing 1,000,000. Tax depreciation for special purpose statement amounted to 500,000 and derereciation expense for general purpose statement amounted to 300,000. If the effective tax rate of company A is 30 %, identify the correct statement according to IAS 12

21 / 100

When designing audit procedures tracing of source documents to the customers subsidiary ledger and subsequently to the general ledger is done to satisfy what assertion

22 / 100

A cost that would be classified as part of both prime costand conversion cost would be: 

23 / 100

IFRS suggests trade-offs between ___________ and ________for selection ofmeasurement principles; historical cost principle or fair value principle.

24 / 100

  Identify the CORRECT statement about employment income tax as applied in Ethiopian tax law

25 / 100

Assume on December 1, 2022 Zemen Company purchase merchandise which worth Birr 500,000 on account terms 3/15, n/45, and FOB shipping point from Lulit Trading. On December 15, the company made full payment for Lulit Trading. What will be the entry to record settlement of liability under periodic system?

26 / 100

The total good will using proportionate (partial) method is:

27 / 100

One of the following is true about research and development costs under GAAP and IFRS

28 / 100

Which matters will not be included in the audit strategy?

29 / 100

The most difficult type of misstatement to detect fraud is based on:

30 / 100

As per IFRS 17 contractual service margin

31 / 100

One of the following is not necessarily deducted as business expense to arrive at taxable business income

32 / 100

If a merchandise sold on account is returned because of defects, the seller may issue____ to signify acceptance of merchandise returned from buyer

33 / 100

Suppose on January 1, 2023 Zemen Company receives Br.120, 000 cash advance applicable for the next six month rent. What will be the entry on the book of Zemen on January 1, 2023?

34 / 100

What is the optimal capital structure?

35 / 100

“Do not put all your eggs in one basket” related to the concept of

36 / 100

Which of the following use current financial resources measurement focus?

37 / 100

  Which of the following statement is correct?

38 / 100

One of the following is incorrectly matched

39 / 100

At December 31, Sandafa Corp. owned 80% of Jote Corp.’s common stock and 90% of Chancho Corp.’s common stock. Jote’s net income for the year was $200,000 and Chancho’s net income was $400,000. Combined financial statements are being prepared for Chancho and Jote in contemplation of their sale to an outside party. In the combined income statement, combined net income should be reported at Chancho and Jote had no inter-entity ownership or transactions during the year.

40 / 100

Time value of money explains that:

41 / 100

Management’s designs and implementation of internal controls focused concepts are

42 / 100

What is the balance of amount amortized on January 1, 2021

43 / 100

Assume the profit before tax of XYZ, a corporate firm is Br. 22.5 million. How much money should be paid by XYZ as a business income tax?

44 / 100

Suppose Zema Manufacturing Company for the year 2015 have direct material cost- 20 % of prime cost and Conversion cost- Br. 450,000 and if factory overhead is 50 % of direct labor cost. Based on the given information answer question 49-5149. What is the balance of direct material cost?

45 / 100

ABC Metal Factory, VAT registered company, sold 50,000 units of corrugated iron sheets at VAT exclusive price of birr 500 per unit for the month of January. It has purchased 20,000 Kg. iron sheets at VAT inclusive price of Birr 60 per Kg. from DW metals raw material supplier. The factory has also imported chemicals worth of birr 2 million (including C.I.F and other duty excluding VAT for metal production in the month of January. Moreover, the company had a VAT refund of birr 75,600 for the previous month. Determine whether VAT payable (VAT refund) take place for the given month

46 / 100

A valuation base requiring assessment of the price that is fair between the two knowledgeable and willing parties

47 / 100

  If you need $12,000 in one year, how much do you have to deposit today if the interest rate is 10%?

48 / 100

   If selling price per unit is $200, variable costs per unit are $120, total fixed costs are $2,000, the tax rate is 30%, and the company sells 40 units, net income is:

49 / 100

All of the following items are debited to Work-in -process account except

50 / 100

Both auditing and accounting are concerned with financial statements. Which of the following

51 / 100

Moon Company uses Activity-based costing for Product X and Product Y. The total estimated overhead cost for the parts administration activity pool was $550,000 and the expected activity was 2000 part types. If Product Y requires 1200 part types, the amount of overhead allocated to product Y for parts administration would be:

52 / 100

A factor used to systematically link an indirect cost to a cost object is called

53 / 100

All the things equal, diversification is most effective when

54 / 100

What is the balance of direct labor cost?

55 / 100

Identify the false statement related to equity settled share based payment

56 / 100

Which of the following is not true about opinion on financial statements?

57 / 100

Which one of the following is not true

58 / 100

For equity-settled share-based payment transactions for employee services, the fair value of the equity instruments is measured:

59 / 100

   Liu Electronics budgeted sales of $400,000 for the month of November; cost of goods sold is equal to 65% of sales. Beginning inventory for November was $80,000 and ending inventory for November should be $72,000. How much are the budgeted purchases for November?

60 / 100

On January 1, Walif Corp. acquired 80% of Metek Corp.’s $10 par common stock for $975,000. The remaining 20% of this stock is held by YOM Co., an unrelated party. On the acquisition date for this business combination, the carrying amount of Metek’s net assets was $1 million. The fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed were the same as their carrying amounts on Metek’s balance sheet except for plant assets (net), the fair value of which was $100,000 in excess of the carrying amount. The fair value of the non-controlling interest is 20% of the fair value of the acquirer’s net assets at the acquisition date. (No exceptions to the recognition or measurement principles apply.) For the year ended December 31, Metek had net income of $190,000 and paid cash dividends totalling $125,000. In the December 31 consolidated balance sheet, the non-controlling interest is reported at

61 / 100

Assume Commercial Bank of Ethiopia agrees to lend Br.5, 000,000 on January 1, 2022, to Saba Co. If Saba signs a Br.5, 000,000, 10 percent, six-month note. What will the balance of cash expected to payable by Saba company on maturity period

62 / 100

According to the bird-in-hand theory, investors prefer:

63 / 100

If the fair value of the property on April 30, 2022 was 3 million, what was the effect? (assume the entity use fair value model)

64 / 100

Which of the following depreciation methods considersalvage value in computing the depreciation base of the asset except?

65 / 100

The period at which share based payment entitlement satisfied

66 / 100

Suppose KK Company acquired 60% of XX Company at Br. 3,000,000. Based on the given information, what is the implied value?

67 / 100

Which of the following best describes systematic risk?

68 / 100

Assume AA co. pays br.600, 000 to purchase 75% of the shares of DK co. The fair value of 100% of DK co. identifiable net assets is br.400, 000. (Assume published FV of minorities’ br.200, 000). Based on the given information answer the following question no. 80and 81

69 / 100

What is the balance of interest expense on December 31, 2019

70 / 100

According to IAS 41 an entity recognize a biological asset except

71 / 100

What basis of accounting would the Enterprise Fund use?

72 / 100

An entity owns a number of herds of cattle. Where should the change in fair value of herds of cattle be recognized in the financial statements

73 / 100

Which of the following is not one of the steps used in assigning costs to individual jobs?

74 / 100

  Cash includes all except one:

75 / 100

In the month of June, department X had 10,000 units in beginning work in process that were 70% complete. During June, 40,000 units were completed and transferred into production from another department. At the end of June, there were 5,000 units in ending work in process that were 40% complete. Materials are added at the beginning of the process, while conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process. The total cost for materials was $450,000 and conversion was $400,000. What was the unit conversion cost in June?

76 / 100

If companies fails to make adjustments for prepayments initiallyrecorded as an asset,what will be the effect except

77 / 100

One of the following is not criteria to capitalizingcosts incurred at development phase

78 / 100

If overhead is under applied, then:

79 / 100

Assume New Generation Post Graduate College owned a building that has been used for delivering education service located at Jemo. The building had original cost of 4 million at the time of acquision, January 1, 2015 and useful life of 20 years. The national education policy requiring the post graduate applicants necessarily pass an entrance exam (GAT test). During the year 2022 most of the applicant fails to pass the exam as a result the college fails to get applicants for post graduate program. Consequently, on April 30, 2022 the college decided to rent the building located at Jemo and deliver education service at head office only located at Megenagna. Based on the given information answer question number 18 and 19(Use SLM)What was the Carrying value of the asset if the building depreciated up to April 30, 2022

80 / 100

Which of the following can be a criterion for the acceptance of a project?

81 / 100

Identify the correct composition of cost classification on the basis of relation to production process

82 / 100

Suppose on January 1, 2021 Sally Company sold merchandise which worth Birr 150,000 on account terms 2/10, n/30, and FOB destination to Sony Company. On January 8, the buyer returned a portion of the goods worth Birr 5000 as they were found to be the wrong model. What will be the entry to record return of merchandise under perpetual inventory system?

83 / 100

An entity recognizesgoods or services receivedin a share-based payment transaction:

84 / 100

  Suppose an exporter of powder tea spice has an access of two markets in Ethiopia for transacting tea spice. The first market located at Markato with daily trading volume of ten thousand Sacks of tea spice and selling price of Br. 30,000 per sack. While the second market is located at Saris has daily trading volume of 1,000 sacks with selling price of Br. 35,000 per Sack. The transportation cost amounted to Br.500 and Br 1000 for the first and second market respectively. And also selling cost of Br. 2000 and Br. 3000 for the first and second market respectively. Based on the given information what will be the fair value of the spice in accordance with IFRS 13?

85 / 100

   In the case of a bank overdraft:

86 / 100

Sony Inc., has a target capital structure of 35% debt and 65% common equity, with no preferred stock. The before-tax cost of debt is 8%, and its marginal tax rate is 40%. The current stock price is =$22.00. The last dividend was D_0 =$2.25 and it is expected to grow at a 5% constant rate. What is weighted average cost of capital (WACC)?

87 / 100

A favorable price variance for direct materials indicates that:

88 / 100

Which of the following statements is false?

89 / 100

In Ethiopia, who is responsible for regulating companies’ financial reporting?

90 / 100

Identify the Incorrect statement/s about categories of tax payers

91 / 100

What is Financial Leverage?

92 / 100

Assume for the year 2020 Lexy Corporation’s financial statements reported the following: Net income: $ 100, 000, depreciation expense: 10,000, increase in account receivable: 30,000 and decrease in account payable amounts: 15,000. What will be the amount of net Cash provided by Operating Activities?

93 / 100

__________ are obligation on a bank or other depository institutions to maintain a specified proportion of total assets in liquid form.

94 / 100

The ___________ is the government’s official annual report prepared and published as a matter of public record.

95 / 100

Suppose Texas Corporation issued $1000, 000 of 10% term bonds on January 1, 2019, due on January 1, 2024, with interest payable annually. Investors require an effective-interest rate of 12%. Based on the given information answer question number 27-29. What is the present value of the bond on January 1, 2019

96 / 100

Deferred tax assets are the amounts of income taxes recoverable in future periods in respect of____________________ except

97 / 100

A cash-settled share-based payment transaction is a share-based payment transaction in which the entity acquires goods or services by incurring a liability to transfer cash or other assets to the supplier of those goods or services for amounts that are based on:

98 / 100

Equity investments acquired by a corporation which accounted for recognizing unrealized holding gains or losses as other comprehensive income

99 / 100

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a joint operation?

100 / 100

One of the following is true about plant property equipment

Your score is


2nd Round Logistics and Supply chain Mnanagement Model Exit Exam


2nd Round Logistics and Supply chain Mnanagement Model Exit Exam

Choice the Best Answer

1 / 99

What is triple bottom line?

2 / 99

Which of the following statements about the class rate system is false?

3 / 99

Why is active listening important in integrative bargaining?

4 / 99

Sam is a sales manager at a car dealership. He is instituting a salesperson of the month program where the top seller gets a plaque to hang on their office wall along with a free lunch. Sam is using _____ power.

5 / 99

All of the following are potential benefits of B2B e-commerce except:

6 / 99

Identify the wrong statement regarding contract management and contract administration

7 / 99

Ali and Gemechu are both university students studying for a final exam in OB. Both students have a goal of making a grade of 90 percent or better despite the time pressures they seem to be facing. Gemechu studied diligently for six hours and made a grade percent of 92 percent. Ali studied diligently for nine hours and also made a grade of 92 percent. Referring to Scenario 1-3, which of the students was effective

8 / 99

Which one of the following statements is false?

9 / 99

Someone who works at Procter & Gamble, who is responsible for the production, marketing, and profitability of the Tide detergent product line is called a:

10 / 99

Samantha owns a line of shops which sell luxurious cakes and desserts. Most of her ingredients come from Brazil, but a recent increase in tariffs has forced her to think about her supplying options. She is thinking about whether or not to pay for the higher new price or find a new supplier. What does this impact MOST?

11 / 99

Assume that, AU has recently decided to install a new IT system to improve the efficiency of its payroll function. AU believes this will reduce the cost of running the payroll system by 15%. Which one of the following levels of strategy is the above IT system most closely linked to?

12 / 99

Which one of the following economic utilities extremely provided by logistics?

13 / 99

All of the following are challenges of Strategic Supply Chain Management, except ________.

14 / 99

Which one of the following design options of the transport network is that a truck either delivers a product from a single supplier to multiple retailers or goes from multiple suppliers to a single buyer location?

15 / 99

Which of the following elements is NOT involved in the controlling process?

16 / 99

Which of the following is an example of a non-documentary trade barrier?

17 / 99

An inventory decision rule states that when the inventory level goes down to 14 gearboxes, 100 gearboxes will be ordered. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

18 / 99

_______means that an Ethiopian importer is allowed to use his/her own hard currency for the payment of the goods instead of applying for it and getting it from the government

19 / 99

Which supply chain planning function determines how much product is needed to satisfy all customer demands?

20 / 99

Which one of the following is not correct about evaluation of tender?

21 / 99

Felicia manages the training department. She notices that Adam, the training assistant, is bored performing the same, repetitive tasks and often has idle time throughout the day. The low morale of Adam concerns Felicia since he is a good employee. Which of the following actions would BEST address this situation?

22 / 99

Alpha Company has a performance standard of 97% fill rate. Last month it achieved a 94% fill rate. This is an example of…

23 / 99

Which one of the following wrong procedure in the international competitive bidding?

24 / 99

Which document is used to prove the value and authenticity of goods?

25 / 99

One among the following aims to reduce the impact of factors such as pollutants, deforestation, ozone depletion, and global warming affecting the environment

26 / 99

A salesman may be using _____ if he lies to you or makes promises he cannot fulfill.

27 / 99

The internal growth strategies in which an organization expands itself into different areas, whether related or unrelated to its core business called______.

28 / 99

_____ is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed to structure or solve problems.

29 / 99

One is not the economic measure among the following?

30 / 99

Which one of the following objectives must be a simultaneously achieve to logistical integration?

31 / 99

When all the different stages of a supply chain work toward the objective of maximizing total supply chain profitability, rather than each stage devoting itself to its own profitability without considering total supply chain profit, it is known as

32 / 99

Which supply chain information system tools are used to automate transactions such as order entry, order processing, transportation, and related financial transactions?

33 / 99

Which one of the following is important to provide dependable transportation service and to foster economic development?

34 / 99

Senayit Gemechu works as a sales manager at a telecom firm. The company has recently launched a new product in the market. Her work in the next few weeks involves sharing knowledge about the product with her team members. She will also need to inspire them to reach their sales targets and clarify any doubts about the new product. Which of the following roles is Senayit playing?

35 / 99

A foundry produces circular utility access hatches (manhole covers). If 120 covers are produced in a 10-hour shift, the productivity of the line is

36 / 99

Marisol is using an organizing process in her business. How will the final outcome of this process address position of Marisol as the boss of the company?

37 / 99

A supply chain is alternatively referred to by what name?

38 / 99

It is cheaper to transport goods in a single 1000 km shipment than in two shipments of 500 km each. Which principle does this refer to?

39 / 99

Which of the following is not a reason that negotiations fail?

40 / 99

college or university bookshop wants to get some insights into how students feel about the shop’s merchandise, prices and service. What type of research would be appropriate in the following situation

41 / 99

A bid may be rejected under all of the following circumstances except cases where:

42 / 99

A job shop is an example of a(n):

43 / 99

The ___________ concept suggests that the customer desires a product offering that is highly tailored to the customer’s exact preferences.

44 / 99

What is operations management?

45 / 99

A supply chain driven by actual customer orders or purchases follows a ________ model.

46 / 99

Quantitative research involves

47 / 99

Which one of the following supply chain phenomena describing small fluctuations in demand at the retail level can cause progressively larger fluctuations in demand at the wholesale, distributor, or raw materials supplier?

48 / 99

Which type of processing system tends to produce the most product variety?

49 / 99

The sales of cycle in a shop in four consecutive months are given as 70, 68, 82, and 95. Exponentially smoothing average method with a smoothing factor of 0.4 is used in forecasting. The expected number of sales in the next month is.

50 / 99

The two main styles of research are ______

51 / 99

One key reason for increasing importance of transportation from a supply chain perspective is:

52 / 99

Which one of the following is incorrect about e-commerce?

53 / 99

What is the purpose of a packing list in customs procedures?

54 / 99

Which one of the following characteristics is not necessarily true about groups?

55 / 99

Tina is a CEO of a large manufacturing company that she wants to move overseas. The culture there is very different and Tina knows that she has to prepare for the meetings there. Which of the following would be a good solution to one of the first obstacles she is going to encounter?

56 / 99

The key players in any transportation that takes place within a supply chain are

57 / 99

Make-to-stock operational strategy is similar to one of the following Supply chain strategies, which one is the SC strategy?

58 / 99

Which one of the following is not the objectives of negotiation?

59 / 99

Which term refers to the transfer of goods from one mode of transport to another during transit?

60 / 99

In which phase of the development process are all design decisions completed?

61 / 99

A research paper is a brief report of research work based on _____

62 / 99

Which types of information systems produce a variety of information about products and services for internal and external use?

63 / 99

Which one of the following states that end items are to be produced, when these items are needed, and what quantities are needed?

64 / 99

The set of shared beliefs and values that underlie a company’s identity is referred to as:

65 / 99

All of the following are typical processes involved in supply chain management except _____.

66 / 99

Competitiveness does not include

67 / 99

Which one is/are doesn’t explain about narrow span of control

68 / 99

The process of determining what needs to be purchased and when so that it is most helpful to the project is known as what?

69 / 99

Which one of the features of e-commerce indicated as it can be everywhere?

70 / 99

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding supply chain management?

71 / 99

Which types of logistics concerned with receiving and storing raw materials and components that are needed for production?

72 / 99

What is the purpose of a bill of lading in logistics management?

73 / 99

Which of the following is not a process commonly considered in making products or delivering services?

74 / 99

What does the consolidation services of a freight forwarder do for the customer?

75 / 99

The more you can convince the other that you value a particular outcome outside the bargaining range of the other, the more pressure you put on the other party to set by one of the following resistance points:

76 / 99

Gourmet Pretzels bakes soft pretzels on an assembly line. It currently bakes 800 pretzels each eight-hour shift. If the production is increased to 1,2…

77 / 99

Which supply chain strategy would be best when the demand uncertainty is high and firms want to respond to customers quickly?

78 / 99

All are the factors that affect foreign procurement except —

79 / 99

A certain type of computer costs $1,000, and the annual holding cost is 25% of the value of the item. Annual demand is 10,000 units, and the order cost is $150 per order. What is the approximate economic order quantity?

80 / 99

Which of the following statements about the basic EOQ model is FALSE?

81 / 99

What is the role of a customs tariff in customs procedures?

82 / 99

There are five main areas of performance in a logistics measurement system. Which of the five areas measures how cost-effective the organization is at meeting consumer requirements?

83 / 99

Which of the following is not listed as one of the values of service characteristics for transportation?

84 / 99

Which type of items is the appropriate procurement strategy to force competition between suppliers, when there are many suppliers to choose from for these items?

85 / 99

E-commerce payment system in which the buyer is clearly identified and the card is validated against computer of the issuing bank computer before payment is made is known as _____?

86 / 99

What does the term “free trade zone” refer to?

87 / 99

Which one of the following information technology systems, is a highly analytical application whose purpose is to assess plant capacity, material availability, and customer demand?

88 / 99

A cost trade-off is a situation where:

89 / 99

OB is the study of _____________ in the organization

90 / 99

MRP is a _____________ function

91 / 99

Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding PESTEL analysis?

92 / 99

The properties of e-money that should be considered in transactions as how well money holds its value over time and how easy money is to store, and access called______.

93 / 99

Type of research that aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem faced by any business organization is known as?

94 / 99

______is a group of people who are the focus of the interest of researcher.

95 / 99

What are the most critical precursors for achieving negotiation objectives?

96 / 99

One of the current trends in Operations and Supply Chain Management is Sustainable Supply Chain Management, which encourages supply chain managers to consider the three bottom lines listed below, except

97 / 99

From the perspective of logistics, customer is ______.

98 / 99

Which of the following supply chain strategies creates value by allowing suppliers to have economies of scale?

99 / 99

A legal document that travels with the shipment and describes exactly what is in the shipment is —

Your score is


2nd Round Management Model exam,2016


2nd Round Management Model exam,2016

Time allowed :2 1/2  hrs.

Exam Weight : 100%

Value of each question is 1 point

Exam Type: Multiple choice

Switch off your Mobile phone

Any form of misconduct  will invalidate your result

1 / 100

1. 83. ……refers to the process of creating new products or modifying the existing ones within a predetermined time frame and cost price

2 / 100

2. 52. Suppose Oromia cooperative bank wants to estimate the average income of its employees per month. Accordingly it takes 5 sample employees and the salary of each employees are 6750, 9940, 8754, 12,560 and 10,376 birr per month. What is the average salary of the bank per month?

3 / 100

3. 28. An approach to disciplinary action designed to motivate an employee to correct his or her misconduct voluntarily is ______________.

4 / 100

4. 14. ………..is the stage of new product development the product and marketing program are tested in more realistic market setting

5 / 100

5. 86. Which of the following is not an objective of MRP?

6 / 100

6. 49. Which one of the following CANNOT be the purpose of report writing in research?

7 / 100

7. 15. Which one is not reason of international marketing

8 / 100

8. 85. The layout in which all the equipment’s performing similar tasks are grouped together is called……?

9 / 100

9. 75. All of the following are among the common features of project except

10 / 100

10. 33. _______________ is “a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

11 / 100

11. 11. Among the give alternative one is not the importance of promotion

12 / 100

12. 3.__________ is a leadership style in which the decision making activity is made solely by the manager.

13 / 100

13. 59. Which of the following form of business has limited liability?

14 / 100

14. 2.Among the following alternatives which one is not the activity performed in organizing function of management?

15 / 100

15. 5. Which one of the following is correct regarding to managerial skills?

16 / 100

16. 30. One is not the major characteristics of Organization behavior:

17 / 100

17. 92. The long-run objective of financial management is to _____________.

18 / 100

18. 41. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of transformational leadership?

19 / 100

19. 39. Which leadership style emphasizes nurturing and empowering employees to achieve their full potential?

20 / 100

20. 35. The type of conflict that occurs when two or more organizational members disagree on their task or content issues

21 / 100

21. 50. Which of the following statement regarding quantitative and qualitative data is FALSE?

22 / 100

22. 88. ……is the degree to which the design specifications for a product or service are appropriate to its function and use, and the degree to which a product or service conforms to its design specifications

23 / 100

23. 98. The solution to transportation problem with m-sources and n-destinations is feasible if the number of allocations is-

24 / 100

24. 73. Which of the following statement best expresses retrenchment?

25 / 100

25. 54. On the average, 2 customers will be served in every ten minutes in Commercial bank of Ethiopia. What is the probability that during a given 10 minutes at least one customer will be served?

26 / 100

26. 12. .It is arranging for the product to occupy a clear, distinctive and desirable place relative to competing product in the mind of target customer?

27 / 100

27. 90. A method of budgeting that estimates today’s value of money to be received in the future is______________.

28 / 100

28. 45. Ayantu, fourth year management student, examines the collected raw data to detect errors and omissions and to correct these when possible. The activity performed by Ayantu is:

29 / 100

29. 4.__________ involves evaluating the candidates and choosing the one whose credential match job requirement.

30 / 100

30. 66. Which of the followings is an Operations Support Systems?

31 / 100

31. 25. All are benefits of performance appraisal for the appraise Except,

32 / 100

32. 100. The critical path in network problem is-

33 / 100

33. 77. Which of the following statements about the project payback period is least accurate

34 / 100

34. 7. What type of controlling is related with screening job applicants and using several effective interviews, managers can minimize the chance of hiring people who lack necessary skills or experience to perform effectively?

35 / 100

35. 58. If we reject the null hypothesis which is true, we commit

36 / 100

36. 69. Which of the following is/are NOT the benefits of strategy?

37 / 100

37. 36. ____________is solely power as a result of his or her position in the organization reward, coercive, and legitimate power

38 / 100

38. 18. One of the early problems faced by Toyota when it attempted to market its line of automobiles in the Japan was a severe shortage of spare parts. If Toyota’s management makes the decision to correct this problem, in which of the following components of the product component model would management need to make improvement?

39 / 100

39. 71. While analyzing internal environment strategist’s decision about firm’s resources, capabilities and core competences are affected by:

40 / 100

40. 60. In which product life cycle does peoples become unaware of the product or service, sales may rise very slow, and promotional costs will probably be high?

41 / 100

41. 67. Assume that a group of individuals with common political interest leverages of an organization’s computers and information via the Internet, and caused physical, real-world harm or severe disruption of the computers and information infrastructure. What does this act represent?

42 / 100

42. 80. Which of the following is FALSE regarding to financial and economic analysis of the project?

43 / 100

43. 97. Which of the following cannot be the aim of transportation problem?

44 / 100

44. 70. Which of the following is/are the characteristics of business mission statement?

45 / 100

45. 74. Which one of the following statements is related with the company’s market position, competitive pressures, strengths and capabilities?

46 / 100

46. 56. You are given the following information about advertising expenditure and sales: . Advertisement (x) (100, 000 Birr) Sales (y) (100,000 Birr)
Arithmetic mean, x 10 90
Standard deviation, σ 3 12
Correlation coefficient = 0.8

47 / 100

47. 76. The component of project feasibility study that determines whether the prerequisites for the successful commissioning of the project have been considered is

48 / 100

48. 89. The term _________________ refers to the period in which the project will generate the necessary cash flow to recover the initial investment.

49 / 100

49. 40. What is the term for a planned process for managing resistance to change in an organization?

50 / 100

50. 64. ABC restaurant noticed that people were cooking meals in their homes less often but wanted to avoid the hassle of going out to eat. People wanted to ‘‘eat in’’ without cooking. By considering this issue, ABC restaurant company started delivering food to customers’ homes and businesses by takeout taxi. This business idea “delivering food by takeout taxi” is the result of-

51 / 100

51. 91. When capital market is booming, firms can take market route to ________.

52 / 100

52. 9. Channel decisions must be considered carefully for the following reasons, except?

53 / 100

53. 10. ______ is a method that the price of a product is decided based on the perception of consumers rather than sellers cost as the key factor

54 / 100

54. 43. Which of the following is a strategy for building change readiness in an organization?

55 / 100

55. 53. If the probability that a product will be well designed is 0.80 and the
probability that it will be well designed and change preference of customer is 0.6, what is the probability that it will change customer preference given that well designed?

56 / 100

56. 84. . ……is the system in which items are processed in lots and a new lot is undertaken for production only when the production on all items of a lot is complete.

57 / 100

57. 82. Which of the following is TRUE about business strategies?

58 / 100

58. 46. Which of the following CANNOT be the purpose of a research proposal?

59 / 100

59. 65. Which of the followings is correctly ordered regarding the knowledge management systems?

60 / 100

60. 99. A decision tree is preferable to a decision table when-

61 / 100

61. 94. Which of the following is/are NOT the feature of operations research?

62 / 100

62. 16. which one is odd from the given factors for firms marketing abroad _________________

63 / 100

63. 51. ______ is level of measurement which classifies data into categories that can be ranked.

64 / 100

64. 32. One cannot define Personality

65 / 100

65. 87. Which of the following does not affect the choice of plant location decision?

66 / 100

66. 6. All of the following are importance of planning except,

67 / 100

67. 96. ABC Company produces two types of products: bag and shoes. Each unit of bag requires 4 units of raw material A, 2 units of raw material B, and 3 units of raw material C. Each unit of shoes requires 10 units of raw material A, one unit of raw material B, and 3 units of raw material C. The inventory count indicates that 100, 22, and 39 units of raw material A, B, and C are available, respectively. Each unit of bag yields a profit of Birr 60 and each unit (pair) of shoes yields a profit of Birr 50. How many units of bag and shoes should be produced, respectively?

68 / 100

68. 31. The theory which states there is no one best way of managing or managerial technique universally applicable in all situations; rather, it depends upon a given set of circumstances is

69 / 100

69. 61. Currently, SAFARICOM Ethiopia, a telecom operator in Ethiopia, has been highly engaged in providing incentives, such as discounts and prizes for its customers to initiate the interests of customers to use their services. The promotion strategy adopted by a company is:

70 / 100

70. 38. Which type of organizational change involves making incremental adjustments to existing processes and procedures?

71 / 100

71. 34. All are the Features of Motivations except one

72 / 100

72. 44. Which of the following is TRUE about applied research?

73 / 100

73. 8. According to human relations school management is

74 / 100

74. 72. Which of the following is associated with the type of leadership in the organization and the overall style of management of operations?

75 / 100

75. 1.      From the following alternatives, which one is not correct?

76 / 100

76. 78. The initial cash outlay of a project is Birr 50,000 and it generates cash inflows of Birr 20,000, Birr 15,000, Birr 25,000 and Birr 10,000 in first four years and assume 10% rate of discount. Using present value index method the net present value is,

77 / 100

77. 62. Which of the following CAN be the failure factor for small businesses?

78 / 100

78. 42. Which leadership style encourages employees to participate in decision-making and problem-solving?

79 / 100

79. 47. Mr. Abebe is a laboratory technician at Salale University. While conducting research, he manipulates variables to study the effect on another variable. What type of research is being conducted by Mr. Abebe?

80 / 100

80. 95. Berhan Furniture creates tables and chairs. Each table requires 2 hours of carpentry and 3 hours of painting, while each chair needs 1 hour of carpentry and 2 hours of painting. There are only 12 hours of carpentry and 15 hours of painting available per week. Each unit of table yields a profit of Birr 40 and chair yields a profit of Birr 20 per unit. What will be the objective of the company?

81 / 100

81. 68. Which one of the following is CORRECT?

82 / 100

82. 27. _______________ is a performance rating error existing when some raters have a tendency to be generous in their rating by assigning higher rates constantly.

83 / 100

83. 29. ________an employment interview conducted to know whether the candidate can handle the demands of a complex job.

84 / 100

84. 17. Different strategies are suitable for different companies depending on their particular situation. This is articulated by the “EPRG Framework”. What are the four options of the EPRG Framework?

85 / 100

85. 26. Which of the following is a NOT area at which compensation package is important in the workplace?

86 / 100

86. 20. Under _______, the strategy is to simultaneously pioneer the newly developed product in all kinds of global markets.

87 / 100

87. 55. Which of the following is the non-random method of selecting samples from a population?

88 / 100

88. 93. If acceptance of one project do not disqualifies the acceptance of the other project, such type of project is:

89 / 100

89. 21. “International marketing is a global procedure of planning and executing conception, pricing, promotion” The definition fails to recognize

90 / 100

90. 24. The process of helping new employees adapt to their new organizations and work responsibilities is ______.

91 / 100

91. 23. Which of the following is NOT the internal factors that affect recruitment functions?

92 / 100

92. 79. Which one of the following is NOT a reason for conducting feasibility study?

93 / 100

93. 57. Which one of the following used to test the independence of two variables?

94 / 100

94. 81. Which one of the following statement is incorrect about the importance of studying operations management?

95 / 100

95. 19. An arrangement to pay for import of goods and services with something other than cash is known as _________

96 / 100

96. 22. ___ is merely a temporary business investment involving renting or leasing an
Opportunity, not the purchase of a business for the purpose of ownership

97 / 100

97. 37. Which factor contributes to successful change implementation?

98 / 100

98. 48. Mr. Chala, who is conducting research on “consumers buying behavior,” collects data using questionnaire from the same sample three times. What is the type of survey employed by Mr. Chala?

99 / 100

99. 13. Which of the following is false about organizational buying behavior?

100 / 100

100. 63. Cooperative Bank of Oromia, previously operating only in Ethiopia, enters Kenyan market with its current banking services. A business growth strategy used by the bank is-

Your score is


Economics second round model exit exam 2016

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Economics second round model exit exam 2016

Choose the best answer

1 / 100

1) A macroeconomic policy is said to be conducted by rule if policymakers:

2 / 100

2) Which of the following statements is necessarily incorrect about AK endogenous growth model?

3 / 100

3) Which one of the investment theory shows the linkage between fluctuation in investment and stock markets

4 / 100

4) According to the Life-Cycle hypothesis

5 / 100

5) If the monetary base is $500 billion, the reserve deposit ratio is 0.1 and currency-deposit ratio is 0.6; what will be the money multiplier and the money supply respectively?

6 / 100

6) _____________is the purchase and sale of government securities by the central bank to maintain the proper level of money supply in the economy.

7 / 100

7) According to Keynes the Motive for people to hold money as a cushion against an unexpected need is called

8 / 100

8) Which of the following countries have greater balance of payment?

9 / 100

9) Which of the following represents trade pessimists?

10 / 100

10) Pick a region of the world among which the life expectancy is relatively highest

11 / 100

11) One of the following factors inversely affects the demand for education

12 / 100

12) Which of the following is not economic cost of corruption?

13 / 100

13) Which of the following is not causes of inequality?

14 / 100

14) Which of the following is false according to Lewis model regarding traditional sector?

15 / 100

15) The physical quality of life index (PQLI) is an aggregation of widely available indicators of basic human needs. Which of the following is not a component of the PQLI?

16 / 100

16) Non-traded goods do not enter measured GDP because

17 / 100

17) A ________ occurs if all players in a game play their best strategies regardless of what their competitors do.

18 / 100

18) The general equilibrium of production occurs at a point where the _________ is the same for all the firms, that is, at a point which satisfies the Pareto Optimality criterion of efficiency in factor substitution.

19 / 100

19) A profit-maximizing firm hires labor up to the point where

20 / 100

20) Oligopolistic industries are characterized by:

21 / 100

21) When comparing monopolistic competition and perfect competition markets, which of the following is true?

22 / 100

22) The following is incorrect about the relationship between MC, AVC and ATC curves

23 / 100

23) Implicit costs are costs :

24 / 100

24) A form of oligopoly in which a dominant firm sets the price and all smaller firms in the industry follow the dominant firm’s pricing policy is called

25 / 100

25) According to the balanced growth theory, underdevelopment would be solved by

26 / 100

26) Which one of the following is not correct

27 / 100

27) The type of monopoly that was created due to efficiency in producing certain product

28 / 100

28) Which of the following is not the possible sources of monopoly?

29 / 100

29) Under perfectly competitive market in long run, equilibrium condition for firms will be:

30 / 100

30) In TR-TC approach, firms in perfectly competitive market get positive profit at the point where;

31 / 100

31) Identify correct statement about the assumption of perfectly competitive market structure

32 / 100

32) Given the supply and demand functions for two related goods, tea and coffee,
Q_d^t=30-8P_t+2P_c , Q_S^t=-15+2P_t
〖 Q〗_d^c=28+4P_t-6P_C , Q_S^C=12+2P_C
Where〖 Q〗_d^t,〖 Q〗_d^c, Q_S^t, Q_(S,)^C P_t and P_c represented quantity demand for tea and coffee, supply of tea and coffee, price of tea and coffee respectively. What is the equilibrium price of tea

33 / 100

33) Given the supply and demand functions for two related goods, tea and coffee,

34 / 100

34) Which one of the following represent the solution of difference equation x_(t+1)=1⁄2 x_t+3

35 / 100

35) Which one of the following is the general solution of differential equation (x ) ̇+2x=8

36 / 100

36) Given demand function p=30-4Q , what is consumer surplus at Q=5

37 / 100

37) The derivative of multivariate function y=x_1^2 x_2 , where x_1=t^2 and x_2=3t-1 is

38 / 100

38) Suppose that m=100-200t+250t^2, where m is import and t is tariff. Using differential approximation what is the change in import if the initial tariff rate is 0.2 and it is scheduled to rise to 0.25?

39 / 100

39) Given production and constraint functions Q=L^.25 K^0.75 and 2X_1+4X_2=100 respectively , what is the amount of labor and capital which maximize the above production function?

40 / 100

40) Consider production function Q=300√L -4L . where Q denotes output and L denotes the size of work force , what is the value of 〖MP〗_L when L=9?

41 / 100

41) According to _______________ the SRAS & LRAS curves differ because of temporary misperceptions about prices.

42 / 100

42) A curve which plots the relationship between equilibrium interest rate and income in money market is

43 / 100

43) Which one is the link variable between goods market and money market in IS- LM model?

44 / 100

44) Which of the followings shows surplus trade?

45 / 100

45) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

46 / 100

46) Which of the following is true regarding aggregate demand curve?

47 / 100

47) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

48 / 100

48) Reasons for using Panel Data doesn’t include

49 / 100

49) For an equation to be identified

50 / 100

50) Which of the following is incorrect about simultaneous equation model?

51 / 100

51) If the trend in a time series is completely predictable and not variable, we call it

52 / 100

52) which of the followings is not among problems of linear probability model:

53 / 100

53) Which of the following is correct?

54 / 100

54) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

55 / 100

55) Which of the following statements is correct?

56 / 100

56) ________________ analysis is concerned with describing and explaining the relationship between an explained variable and one or more of the explanatory variables.

57 / 100

57) Which one is equal to explained variation divided by total variation?

58 / 100

58) Consider the equation, y = α+β1×1 + β2X2 + u. null hypothesis, H0: β2 = 0 states that:

59 / 100

59) Which of the following is among rules of thumb to address the problem of multicollinearity?

60 / 100

60) Which of the followings might not reasons why variances of may be variable?

61 / 100

61) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

62 / 100

62) Which of the following is incorrect statement regarding classical linear regression model assumptions?

63 / 100

63) Which of the following statements is correct?

64 / 100

64) All of the following statements are considered correct under absorption approach, except:

65 / 100

65) _____an economic term for the negative consequences that can arise from the spike in the value of a nation’s currency

66 / 100

66) Which one of the following is not an obstacle for international macroeconomic coordination:

67 / 100

67) From the following one is not categorized under expenditure switching policy:

68 / 100

68) Which of the following is a disadvantage of a fixed exchange rate system?

69 / 100

69) The Marshall-Lerner condition states that a currency depreciation will improve a country’s trade balance if:

70 / 100

70) The J-curve effect refers to the idea that:

71 / 100

71) From the following one does not describe the function of commercial banks in FORX market:

72 / 100

72) From the following which one is the ultimate goal of monetary policy.

73 / 100

73) From the following statement which one is wrong?

74 / 100

74) Which of the following is not an asset of central bank?

75 / 100

75) Which of the following is incorrect regarding Keynesian demand for money?

76 / 100

76) Which of the following is incorrect about classical theory of money?

77 / 100

77) Which of the following is the advantage of financial intermediaries?

78 / 100

78) The process of indirect finance using financial intermediaries is known as?

79 / 100

79) Which of the following is incorrect about equity (common stock) and debt holder?

80 / 100

80) Which one is not Activities and responsibilities of Central Banks?

81 / 100

81) According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model, a country that is relatively abundant in capital will tend to:

82 / 100

82) Static comparative advantage goods in developing countries

83 / 100

83) The form of economic integration in which the member nations eliminate tariffs on trade among themselves, adopt a common external tariff wall. and allow for the free movement of labor and capital within the union is the

84 / 100

84) If a good is imported into (large) country H from country F, then the imposition of a tariff in country H

85 / 100

85) Intra-industry trade can be explained in part by:

86 / 100

86) Which trade theory suggests that a newly produced good, once exported, could ultimately end up being imported as the technology is transferred to lower-cost nations?

87 / 100

87) Which of the following is an example of a regional trade agreement?

88 / 100

88) Which of the following is an example of a comparative advantage?

89 / 100

89) process of seeing what changes in the value of the dep’t variable is consequent on a change in the value of one or more of the variables in project analysis is :

90 / 100

90) An increase in the net working capital in a project corresponds a cash outflow to be financed. In project analysis costs are easier to identify or value than project benefits.

91 / 100

91) Suppose you are some type investor and submitted your investment to Ethiopian investment commission, and then a team of investment commissioners started to analyze your proposal. Hence this stage is:

92 / 100

92) Which one of the following is a micro level source of a project:

93 / 100

93) If a project involves improvement in several non-monetary dimensions, we use which method?

94 / 100

94) In economic analysis, we cannot use market price to value the economic worth of projects, because of the following reasons, except?

95 / 100

95) Ex-post evaluation involves the following, except?

96 / 100

96) Which one of the following statement is true regarding monitoring and evaluation?

97 / 100

97) The line joining the different points of consumer’s equilibrium resulting from the change only in the price of the commodity is called

98 / 100

98) Assume a budget line is drawn for two commodities: X on the x-axis and Y on the y-axis. If the income of the consumer is 100 Birr, the y-intercept is 4, and the slope of the budget line is 2 in absolute value, the price of commodity Y is:

99 / 100

99) Which one of the following is correct?

100 / 100

100) In a single commodity case; If MUX > Px, how will the consumer react?

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Marketing Managmnent Exit Exam Module











Product & Brand Management 1


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Marketing Management Model Exam 2016

Created by Kinfemichael Nigussie

Marketing Management Model Exam 2016

Choose the best Answer from Given Alternatives

Fill the following

1 / 121

How does sales forecasting benefit sales management?

2 / 121

What is the role of personal selling in sales management?

3 / 121

What is the significance of supply chain management in channel management?

4 / 121

Which of the following is a function of marketing intermediaries?

5 / 121

What is the primary purpose of marketing channels?

6 / 121

What is the significance of search engine optimization (SEO) in E-Marketing?

7 / 121

Which of the following is a characteristic of E-Marketing?

8 / 121

What is the primary goal of relationship marketing in services marketing?

9 / 121

What distinguishes services marketing from product marketing?

10 / 121

Services and E-Marketing (Services Marketing and E-Marketing)

11 / 121

Which marketing strategy involves associating a brand with a well-known celebrity or event?

12 / 121

How does event sponsorship benefit a brand?

13 / 121

What is the role of product packaging in product and brand management?

14 / 121

Which promotional tool involves paid, non-personal communication aimed at promoting products or services?

15 / 121

What is the primary objective of integrated marketing communication (IMC)?

16 / 121

Which factor does NOT influence consumer behavior?

17 / 121

What is the role of pricing in the marketing mix?

18 / 121

Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by rapid sales growth and high profits?

19 / 121

What is the purpose of a marketing plan?

20 / 121

Which of the following is NOT a stage in the consumer decision-making process?

21 / 121

What is the significance of a strategic alliance in international marketing?

22 / 121

Which international marketing strategy involves customizing products and marketing efforts to suit local preferences?

23 / 121

What is the primary challenge of conducting international market research?

24 / 121

Which factor is NOT considered in international market entry decisions?

25 / 121

What is the primary focus of strategic marketing management?

26 / 121

How does sales forecasting benefit sales management?

27 / 121

What is the role of personal selling in sales management?

28 / 121

What is the significance of supply chain management in channel management?

29 / 121

Which of the following is a function of marketing intermediaries?

30 / 121

What is the primary purpose of marketing channels?

31 / 121

Sales & Channel Management (Marketing Channel & Logistics Management and Sales Management)

32 / 121

Which social media platform is known for its visual content and engagement opportunities?

33 / 121

What is the significance of search engine optimization (SEO) in E-Marketing?

34 / 121

Which of the following is a characteristic of E-Marketing?

35 / 121

What is the primary goal of relationship marketing in services marketing?

36 / 121

What distinguishes services marketing from product marketing?

37 / 121

Which marketing strategy involves associating a brand with a well-known celebrity or event?

38 / 121

How does event sponsorship benefit a brand?

39 / 121

What is the role of product packaging in product and brand management?

40 / 121

Which promotional tool involves paid, non-personal communication aimed at promoting products or services?

41 / 121

What is the primary objective of integrated marketing communication (IMC)?

42 / 121

Which factor does NOT influence consumer behavior?

43 / 121

What is the role of pricing in the marketing mix?

44 / 121

Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by rapid sales growth and high profits?

45 / 121

What is the purpose of SWOT analysis in marketing?

46 / 121

Which of the following best describes the concept of market segmentation?

47 / 121

What is the significance of a strategic alliance in international marketing?

48 / 121

Which international marketing strategy involves customizing products and marketing efforts to suit local preferences?

49 / 121

What is the primary challenge of conducting international market research?

50 / 121

Which factor is NOT considered in international market entry decisions?

51 / 121

What is the primary focus of strategic marketing management?

52 / 121

How does sales forecasting benefit sales management?

53 / 121

What is the role of personal selling in sales management?

54 / 121

What is the significance of supply chain management in channel management?

55 / 121

Which of the following is a function of marketing intermediaries?

56 / 121

What is the primary purpose of marketing channels?

57 / 121

Which social media platform is known for its visual content and engagement opportunities?

58 / 121

What is the significance of search engine optimization (SEO) in E-Marketing?

59 / 121

Which of the following is a characteristic of E-Marketing?

60 / 121

What is the primary goal of relationship marketing in services marketing?

61 / 121

What distinguishes services marketing from product marketing?

62 / 121

Which marketing strategy involves associating a brand with a well-known celebrity or event?

63 / 121

How does event sponsorship benefit a brand?

64 / 121

What is the role of product packaging in product and brand management?

65 / 121

Which promotional tool involves paid, non-personal communication aimed at promoting products or services?

66 / 121

What is the primary objective of integrated marketing communication (IMC)?

67 / 121

What is the primary focus of consumer behavior studies?

68 / 121

What is the significance of the product life cycle in marketing strategy?

69 / 121

Which of the following best describes the concept of market positioning?

70 / 121

What is the purpose of a marketing plan?

71 / 121

Which of the following is NOT a stage in the consumer decision-making process?

72 / 121

What is the significance of a strategic alliance in international marketing?

73 / 121

Which international marketing strategy involves offering the same product and marketing mix worldwide?

74 / 121

What is the primary challenge of conducting international market research?

75 / 121

Which factor does NOT influence global market entry decisions?

76 / 121

What is the role of competitive analysis in strategic marketing management?

77 / 121

What is the primary objective of sales territory management?

78 / 121

Which of the following is a direct sales channel?

79 / 121

What is the significance of inventory management in channel management?

80 / 121

Which channel intermediary takes ownership of products and resells them to consumers or businesses?

81 / 121

What is the primary function of a distribution channel?

82 / 121

What is the significance of conversion rate optimization (CRO) in E-Marketing?

83 / 121

Which online platform is commonly used for professional networking in E-Marketing?

84 / 121

What is the primary benefit of using email marketing in E-Marketing?

85 / 121

Which factor is NOT considered in the service marketing mix?

86 / 121

What is the significance of customer relationship management (CRM) in services marketing?

87 / 121

Which marketing strategy involves creating a perception of scarcity to drive consumer demand?

88 / 121

What is the purpose of event sponsorship in marketing?

89 / 121

What is the main objective of sales promotions?

90 / 121

Which promotional tool involves non-personal communication through mass media?

91 / 121

What is the purpose of a brand’s positioning strategy?

92 / 121

Which factor does NOT influence consumer behavior?

93 / 121

What is the role of pricing in the marketing mix?

94 / 121

Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by rapid sales growth and high profits?

95 / 121

What is the purpose of SWOT analysis in marketing?

96 / 121

Which of the following best describes the concept of market segmentation?

97 / 121

What is the significance of market research in international marketing?

98 / 121

Which strategy involves customizing products and marketing efforts to suit local preferences?

99 / 121

What is the primary challenge of conducting business marketing?

100 / 121

Which of the following is a characteristic of International Marketing?

101 / 121

What is the primary focus of Strategic Marketing Management?

102 / 121

How does effective sales training benefit a company?

103 / 121

What is the purpose of a sales forecast in Sales Management?

104 / 121

What is the role of personal selling in Sales Management?

105 / 121

Which of the following is a function of a marketing channel intermediary?

106 / 121

What is the primary objective of Marketing Channel & Logistics Management?

107 / 121

What is the significance of customer reviews in E-Marketing?

108 / 121

Which E-Marketing strategy involves optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results?

109 / 121

What is the primary advantage of using social media in E-Marketing?

110 / 121

Which of the following is a characteristic of E-Marketing?

111 / 121

What distinguishes services marketing from product marketing?

112 / 121

What is the key to successful brand positioning?

113 / 121

What is the purpose of Event Management in marketing?

114 / 121

Which promotional tool involves direct interaction with customers to generate immediate response?

115 / 121

What is the primary objective of Product & Brand Management?

116 / 121

Integrated Marketing Communication involves the coordination of which promotional elements?

117 / 121

What is the significance of market segmentation in marketing?

118 / 121

What is the role of consumer behavior in marketing?

119 / 121

Which theory explains how consumers make purchasing decisions based on maximizing utility?

120 / 121

What is the primary focus of Principles of Marketing?

121 / 121

Which of the following is NOT a component of the marketing mix?

Your score is

Developed By KInfemichael Nigussie