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forestry model exam today


forestry model exam today

Salale University

1 / 100

___Reflects the income that could be generated from other opportunities the investor might have for his funds

2 / 100

    Which of the following is true regarding to pathogen, environment and host in forest disease?

3 / 100

What type of Agroforestry is coffe production?

4 / 100

What is the value of basal area of a tree if the circumference at breast height is 60 cm?

5 / 100

     Principle is a kind of rule, belief or an idea that governs what need are doing. One of the following is not the principle of sustainable forestry?

6 / 100

Of the following, one is miss- matched

7 / 100

      Assume you wanted to determine the rotation ages of forest by using the economic and biological criteria; which of the following is TRUE about the rotation age of forest?

8 / 100

Of the following, one is odd

9 / 100

What is the primary goal of forest economics?

10 / 100

What is allelopathic effect in Agroforestry?

11 / 100

Why People tend to have income now than in the future?

12 / 100

    Forest diseases can be caused either of biological or abiotic causative agents. Which one of the following is not biotic sourced diseases?

13 / 100

Who will take into account only the payments and charges made by the entrepreneurs to the outside suppliers of various productive factors?

14 / 100

All are silvicultural practices that applied in natural forest to sustainably meet the needs of the society except:

15 / 100

In which of the following sawing method, heartwood and sapwood are not separated

16 / 100

Sawmilling is the process of operating sawmills and it can be operated through different techniques. Which one of the following is not a technique of sawing in sawmill?

17 / 100

Which of the following is incorrect regarding to forest management plan?

18 / 100

Which one of the following Agroforestry’s attributes concerned with farmers’ perception?

19 / 100

Which one of the following is not the characteristics of Agroforestry?

20 / 100

________ represents the rate of change of species composition along an environmental or geographic gradient

21 / 100

The processes of replacement of the original growing forest by artificial forest stands over a fairly large area is called:

22 / 100

Which one of the following does not represent sampling units in forest inventory?

23 / 100

Identify correct statement from the following alternatives

24 / 100

Which one of the following is odd?

25 / 100

The removing of multiple stems from trees leaving a single stem is called:

26 / 100

Which one of the following is odd?

27 / 100

A PFM which takes place in forests on “village land” and managed by the village council

28 / 100

In Ethiopia PFM approach has been first introduced By FARM Africa to manage:

29 / 100

Which one of the following is a common component for both tactical and strategic harvesting plan?

30 / 100

What do we call the process of determining the present value of money that is to be received in the future?

31 / 100

Which one of the following is mostly serving as mediator in the stakeholder of PFM.

32 / 100

What is the Net Present Value (NPV) used for in forest investment analysis?

33 / 100

The system used to name all living organisms is properly called ________.

34 / 100

Which one of the following represent a property write which is both excludable and rival

35 / 100

Which of the following is wrong regarding distribution of biodiversity?

36 / 100

  Forest management plan can be categorized into various types based on the time period for how long the plan is developed. Among those forest management plans, which one is the shortest period plan?

37 / 100

Which one of the following is correct about Agroforestry and monoculture?

38 / 100

Decentralized forest management is one indicator for good forest governance. Why it is important?

39 / 100

Of the following, one is odd

40 / 100

Identify the correct statement/s regarding nurse crop

41 / 100

The oldest wood working machine that used for turning pieces of wood on its axis to produce various cylindrical and circular shapes

42 / 100

The forest that established and managed primarily for ameliorating climate, checking soil erosion and conserve biodiversity is:

43 / 100

Why we need to measure biodiversity?

44 / 100

Which property is different from the other?

45 / 100

Sustainability of a given forest resource can be validated through application of different sustainability measuring pillars. What those pillars used to confirm sustainability of forest resource?

46 / 100

If a wood borer attack some of the trees in Cordia africana forest and you intend to prevent the borer by applying of chemicals. Which of the following activities you will apply to manage the existed wood borer.

47 / 100

  One of the following is example of natural high forests in Ethiopia?

48 / 100

Which one of the following is production-enhancing interactions in TAI?

49 / 100

One of the following is a component of forest management plan is used to describe the status forest resource and other resources.

50 / 100

In NTFP management natural regeneration is one option, which of the following condition/s are appropriate for this management option

51 / 100

Forest management plan is a detailed written document that is constituted by combination of different basic elements. One of the following not basic element of forest planning

52 / 100

One of the following indicates total number of species found in a sample area

53 / 100

What is an inflation result from a rapid increase in demand for goods and services than supply of goods and services?

54 / 100

Which one of the following is not the effect of spacing on the stand quality?

55 / 100

Which one of the following is taken as a response to reduce the effect of tapering in volume calculation?

56 / 100

Assume that you have a 200ha of forest land and you want to do forest inventory by taking 8 sample plots of 20m by 20m. How many ha will be the size of your sample plot?

57 / 100

What is a major challenge in applying forest economics in developing countries?

58 / 100

What are values that are not associated with actual use, or even the option to use a good or servic?

59 / 100

Which one of the following is incorrect?

60 / 100

What does the term ‘silviculture’ represents in agroforestry?

61 / 100

Which one of the following is not considered during measurement of volume of felled log?

62 / 100

If the nursery man desires to determine the identity of mother trees, which one of the following seed collection method is more applicable?

63 / 100

Which of the following is the unique feature that separates hardwoods from softwoods?

64 / 100

What is the objective of Agroforestry?

65 / 100

Which one of the following establishment process of PFM indicate adherence to the forest management agreement by the community forest management group?

66 / 100

Which one of the following is true about spacing?

67 / 100

_____ Is Species which have relatively large habitat/area requirements and saving them automatically saves many other species

68 / 100

I f the seed not conserved at low temperature and with low moisture, the seed is said to be:——-

69 / 100

All are the characteristics of unclassified seed source except one

70 / 100

Which one of the following is not the key wright of forest Gatherers?

71 / 100

Which of the following chemical constituent of wood is responsible for odor, color and decay resistance?

72 / 100

  The names of taxa at the rank of family are written as

73 / 100

What represents actual expenditure incurred on various inputs used in the production process?

74 / 100

What are the Characteristics of Fodder trees?

75 / 100

   Which of the following are the reasons why botanists use scientific name rather than common names,Except?

76 / 100

Which one of the following datum is not necessary during record keeping?

77 / 100

What are the characteristics of windbreak species?

78 / 100

The act or process of transversely cutting the stem or branches of a felled tree into logs is:

79 / 100

Collection of gum and resign by producing artificial wound is called _________

80 / 100

In forest investment analysis, the term “discount rate” refers to:

81 / 100

Which of the following investment criteria is most appropriate for comparing forest projects with different scales and time horizons

82 / 100

In which one of the following production objectives do the thickness and length of wood fibers are more desired?

83 / 100

Which one of the following is not among factors affecting tree growth and species choice?

84 / 100

Which one of the following is said to be hazardous condition for plantation?

85 / 100

Which of the following is the correct order of classification, from most specific to most broad?

86 / 100

What sometimes referred to as the “profitability index” of a project?

87 / 100

If you are employed in a certain herbarium project and assigned to collect specimen, which of the following selection criteria you did not consider to select specimen?

88 / 100

Which one of the following agroforestry type is based on spatial arrangement of components?

89 / 100

Which of the following techniques is not appropriate to protect the forest resource from fire?

90 / 100

Homegarden consists of the following components except one

91 / 100

  Regarding to nursery site, One of the following is odd among others

92 / 100

  From the following Alternatives which one is the drawback of payback period?

93 / 100

The distance between ground level and the terminal point of the last usable portion of the tree is:

94 / 100

What refers to “the money available at the present time is more worth than the same amount in the future due to its interest paid or earned”?

95 / 100

Which one of the following forest harvesting system is preferred for the establishment of an even-aged stand?

96 / 100

Which one of the following is not the disadvantages of close spacing?

97 / 100

Which economic concept is used to compare the present value of forest revenues with their future value?

98 / 100

Which of the following factors is most likely to influence the economic value of forestland?

99 / 100

What is the most commonly used tool for estimating the monetary value of environmental amenities that are not traded in formal markets?

100 / 100

In which succession stage shade-intolerant understory species begin to disappear and the plant community becomes dominated by trees?

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Plant Science Model 2

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ABVM model Exit Exam 2016


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Model Exam for Department of Forestry 2024


Model Exam for Department of Forestry 2024

Salale University

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Department of Forestry

Model Exam

1 / 5

The system used to name all living organisms is properly called ________.

2 / 5

If the nursery man desires to determine the identity of mother trees, which one of the following seed collection method is more applicable?

3 / 5

All are the characteristics of unclassified seed source except one

4 / 5

Which of the following is the correct order of classification, from most specific to most broad?

5 / 5

  Regarding to nursery site, One of the following is odd among others

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Plant Sc 31


Plant Sc 31


1 / 31

1. Genetic purity of seeds refers to?

2 / 31

2. _________ is an immature plant from which a new plant will grow under proper conditions?

3 / 31

3. Irrigation depth is_______

4 / 31

4. Which one of the following is used for the in vitro development of haploid plants?

5 / 31

5. Which one is not true about photosynthesis?

6 / 31

6. 1. The movement of the vegetable from the farm gate to an accessible area for the consumers is known as—–

7 / 31

7. ____________ is the genetic variability generated during tissue culture.

8 / 31

8. ………is cavity between the two membranes of each thylakoid.

9 / 31

9. Which of the following is naturally occurring auxin in plants?

10 / 31

10. ____________is a weed whose introduction is likely to cause economic or environmental harm to human health.

11 / 31

11. Mostly disease-free plants in plant tissue culture can be obtained through____________

12 / 31

12. Which one of the following is not true about water?

13 / 31

13. Which one is wrong about C4 Photosynthetic Cycle?

14 / 31

14. The following activities done at nursery in order to provide the optimum level of seedling density.

15 / 31

15. A science which deals with the production of fruits like mango, papaya, avocado, etc. is known as—-

16 / 31

16. What types of bed can be used in areas of low rain fall?

17 / 31

17. In which situation does Crop Water Requirement decrease?

18 / 31

18. One of the following is not true Critical period of crop-weed competition

19 / 31

19. The production of adventitious roots and shoots from cultured cells, tissues and organs is called_______________.

20 / 31

20. The large (bulk) reservoir of viable seeds in the soil is called

21 / 31

21. One of the following is not Factors affecting weed-crop interference

22 / 31

22. From the following which activities does not practiced after transplanting?

23 / 31

23. __ is the period of the resumption of growth of a seed or a vegetative part of the weed after a short /long period of rest.

24 / 31

24. Which gene transfer technique involves a tiny needle which is used to inject DNA into a cell lacking that DNA?

25 / 31

25. Irrigation Interval can be increased _______

26 / 31

26. Serious disease of vegetable seedlings at nursery level is—

27 / 31

27. The process in which two or more adjoining somatic protoplasts fused without any inducer is called as ______________ fusion.

28 / 31

28. Solution with similar concentration as that of the cell sap.

29 / 31

29. —— is an effective method of transport of matter over short distances.

30 / 31

30. ___________ are termed as structure less, weak, moderate, strong and very strong depending on the stability of the aggregates when disturbed.

31 / 31

31. Which one of the following is true about grain?

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Plant Science 100

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Plant Sc.


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Agricultural Economics model exit exam practice questions

Created by Tadele Anagaw

Agricultural Economics model exit exam practice questions

Salale University

Department of Agricultural Economics

multiple choice practice questions

1 / 5

1) A movement along a demand curve can be caused by a change in ___________.

2 / 5

2) Long run production function is a relationship between _____________.

3 / 5

3) When the firm experiences increasing marginal returns _______________________.

4 / 5

4) Marginal cost and average cost are the same at the output level in which ______________.

5 / 5

5) In a simple model of resource market, a household is_______

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Developed By KInfemichael Nigussie