RDAE Gender question for practice


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RDAE Model Exit Exam 2024

Created by Teferi Taye

RDAE Model Exit Exam 2024

Choose the best answer

1 / 120

The major cause of environmental problem is _________________

2 / 120

Which of the following is/are true about Participation

3 / 120

The differences of cooperatives from non-cooperative businesses emanate from;

4 / 120

In the agricultural production process which environmentally sustainable activity do you recommend?

5 / 120

The correct statement that express how a river water (for instance, Awash or Abbay rivers) could be a flow or fund resource

6 / 120

What is the minimum qualification required for an individual to be elected as member of the Board of Directors for a cooperative organization under the Ethiopian law?

7 / 120

One of the following elements is not required policy for rural development strategy?

8 / 120

All except one is part of the resolution of the general assembly of a cooperative

9 / 120

The art of getting the job done on time, with budget and satisfactorily using the available resources is?

10 / 120

All are the type of organization classified based on how control is exerted, except;

11 / 120

Which one of the following dimensions of sustainability is achieved when the productivity of life-supporting natural resources is conserved or enhanced for use by future generations?

12 / 120

Which of the following wrongly explain about environmental degradation?

13 / 120

Which of the following strategy is ‘increased average inputs of labor or capital on a small holding, either cultivated land alone, or on cultivated and grazing land, for the purpose of increasing the value of output per hectare’

14 / 120

Which of the following is/are the basic element of rural development strategy?

15 / 120

Which of the following is/are correct about rapid rural appraisal?

16 / 120

In which of the following levels of participation do degree of participation is high?

17 / 120

Assume you are recruited as a livelihood expert in these drought affected areas like Borana of Oromia region. There is a recurring famine and drought problems in the farming community in Borana region of Oromia. This area was dominated in high-risk and low-potential agricultural environments, subject to drought, flooding and environmental degradation and so on. What livelihood strategy would you design and apply for the local farmer to increase their household income sources to recover from these natural disasters?

18 / 120

Which one of the following is not the concept of livelihood?

19 / 120

All are true about the first sets of cooperative principles prepared by the Rochdale Society, except;

20 / 120

Which of the following considered strength of the Agricultural Innovation System approach?

21 / 120

All are the reasons why farming as a primary source of income has become failed to guarantee sufficient livelihood for most farming households in Sub-Sahara African countries?

22 / 120

Innovation is defined as

23 / 120

Which of the following period and rural development ideas are correctly related?

24 / 120

Which of the following is true about policy?

25 / 120

All are the factors shape national capabilities for innovation EXCEPT

26 / 120

Which of the following is/are considered as the primary policy makers?

27 / 120

Cooperative legislation takes different forms depending on the country. Accordingly, Ethiopian has;

28 / 120

The effect of pollutants is/are characterized by _____________

29 / 120

It is known that national borders have little influence on the transport of pollutants or toxins from one country to another, which rise environmental degradation, is directly correlated to __________________

30 / 120

Which of the following is/are principles of participatory planning?

31 / 120

All are the main determinants of livelihood except;

32 / 120

_______is quantitative statistical information on difference and inequality between men and women, boys and girls for a particular issue or in a specific area.

33 / 120

One of the following is not a potential challenge that may affect the performance of cooperatives?

34 / 120

From the following activities which one is not conducted after the establishment of a cooperative?

35 / 120

The Agricultural Innovation System Approach is

36 / 120

   ———–is the collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data.

37 / 120

One of the following is not the main objective of targeting the rural youth in Ethiopia?

38 / 120

The perspective of the innovation systems gives more attention to

39 / 120

Practical gender needs in society is —————-.

40 / 120

Which of the following is/are indirect agricultural instrument?

41 / 120

The concept of Gender mainstreaming is ————-.

42 / 120

Which one of the following has direct business activities?

43 / 120

Gender socialization is a process through which people learn their gender fitting behavior

44 / 120

Which of the following Strategies of the poor to deal with risks and stress are implemented before a risk event occurs

45 / 120

Which one is not true about institution?

46 / 120

Which of the following is not correct about common property or open access resources

47 / 120

One of the following is step of gender mainstreaming?

48 / 120

Which of the following is not the alternative outcome of sustainable livelihood approach

49 / 120

Which of the following statement is correct about environment?

50 / 120

Which fundamentals of sustainable livelihoods mean that a person can be adequately nourished, live a life without shame, and are able to visit and entertain friends?

51 / 120

Which of the following flow indicates the right steps of policy cycle?

52 / 120

All of the following are the current models of livelihood promotion in Ethiopia except?

53 / 120

One of the following could be a legit reason to establish a cooperative union?

54 / 120

All are the objectives of Vulnerability context except?

55 / 120

Which of the following asset pentagon is flows resource and services useful for deriving livelihoods?

56 / 120

Which one is not true about organization?

57 / 120

Which one of the following are not the characteristics of subsistence farming?

58 / 120

Which of the following is not among the principles for sustainable development?

59 / 120

Pollutants for which the environment has some absorptive capacity are called _______

60 / 120

Which of the following innovation involve changes in relation with resource allocation, policies and other related elements associated with the organizations’ social structure?

61 / 120

If one of the members of the board of directors left or fired from his position before the expiration of his term, how could his position is filled?

62 / 120

Which one is the highest policy making body of a certain cooperatives?

63 / 120

Severity of a pollutant’s harmful effects are determined by______________

64 / 120

Which one of the following concept of the Agricultural Innovation System is more recently emerged?

65 / 120

Identify the one that is not correct about the modern cooperative in Ethiopia

66 / 120

Which of the following is in-correct about participation?

67 / 120

One is not principles Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA)

68 / 120

Which of the following statement is not correct about greenhouse effect

69 / 120

Assume an organization is properly aware of the different needs, roles and responsibilities of women and men. So that the organization is known as__________.

70 / 120

   One of the following is not indicate characteristics of leader:

71 / 120

The WID approach to development mainly focuses on:

72 / 120

What is the minimum qualification required for an individual to be elected as member of the Board of Directors for a cooperative organization under the Ethiopian law?

73 / 120

  It raises women’s ability to participate in public life, local decision making bodies and involvement in leadership:

74 / 120

Which of the following is true about PRA?

75 / 120

Which of the following is correct statement

76 / 120

Why is a framework needed in livelihood analysis?

77 / 120

Which of the following comes later?

78 / 120

Identify the wrong statements about agricultural research

79 / 120

Which of the following is/are true about participatory monitoring and evaluation?

80 / 120

Which of the following Tools of vulnerability analysis shows to get an insight into past hazards, changes in their nature, intensity and behavior?

81 / 120

Identify the wrong combination about emerged of agricultural innovation?

82 / 120

Which of the following pollution control policy requires the regulatory authority to establish an environmental standard and a uniform charge per unit of emission for each source of pollutants?

83 / 120

The phenomenon where rural households engage in multiple activities in order to survive and to improve their standard of living livelihoods is?

84 / 120

It emphasizes geographically localized features and capabilities, such as specialized resources, human skills, institutions, spill overs, and local shares of social and cultural values

85 / 120

A multidisciplinary, multifunctional endeavor that should take into account the broader context of agricultural production and innovation is

86 / 120

In Ethiopia, governing the legal aspects of cooperatives including the issuance of certificate and other regulatory duties is vested to;

87 / 120

Which of the following is true about gender analysis?

88 / 120

Suppose Ethiopia found 1000 trillion barrels oil resources and the cumulative oil used up to the beginning year is 10 trillion barrels. If the current annual use of oil is 3 trillion barrels, compute the current reserves and the number of years the oil remaining at current use rates are:

89 / 120

One of the following is correct about the characteristics effective leaders?

90 / 120

Which one of the following is not the best ways to help people maximize their creative potential?

91 / 120

When dose pollutant accumulates in the environment?

92 / 120

The way of thinking about the objectives, scope and priorities for development, particularly poverty elimination is;

93 / 120

Identify the one which is not the role of ex-post assessments?

94 / 120

It defined as the network of organizations, enterprises, and individuals focused on bringing new products, new processes, and new forms of organization into economic use

95 / 120

Which of the following is incorrect?

96 / 120

The contents of the cooperative by-law shall include the following issues, except;

97 / 120

The correct statement about economic growth and economic development

98 / 120

Suppose Ethiopia’s Great Renaissance Dam expected to have fish resource. The initial stock is expected to be 3000 Mt at the beginning of the year. If the annual loss due to natural disaster is 1 percent,the annual regeneration rate is 10 percent, and the annual harvest rate is 2 percent, how much will be the stock at the end of the 1st year and the 2ndyear.

99 / 120

Which of the following statement shows the distinction between advocators of weak sustainability and strong sustainability

100 / 120

The following is/are themes of livelihood approach except

101 / 120

Which principle legitimizes the existence of cooperatives in broader social context?

102 / 120

Which one of the following is correct about a linear concept of technology transfer?

103 / 120

Which one of the following is not correctly stated about renewable and non-renewable resources?

104 / 120

Which one is not true about cooperatives?

105 / 120

Which of the following is/are not correct about participatory rural appraisal?

106 / 120

Women empowerment is essentially a top down process rather than something that can be formulated as a bottom up strategy.

107 / 120

The process of making changes to something established by introducing something new that adds value to customers and contributes to the knowledge store of the organization is

108 / 120

The school of thoughts brought forward to explain how and why certain individuals become leader is:

109 / 120

Which of the following is the correct statement about organic pollutants

110 / 120

A making decisions about innovation to know why investment is necessary to transform modes of production and consumption is

111 / 120

All except one is part of the resolution of the general assembly of a cooperative

112 / 120

Which of the following is true about gender?

113 / 120

One of the following is incorrect about Great man theory of Leadership

114 / 120

Which one of the following is not the main reason for low agricultural productivity in Ethiopia?

115 / 120

Which of the following is/are factors that limit the methods of policy analysis

116 / 120

Which of the following statement is correct about sustainability

117 / 120

An integrated rural development, which excluded

118 / 120

______argue that liberation can only be achieved by working to end both the economic and cultural sources of women’s oppression.

119 / 120

All are man-made external factors that shape the options that people have in achieving their livelihood goals except?

120 / 120

A belief or disliking against an individual due to his/her sex or gender is called ——–.

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