Civics and Ethical Studies Model Exit Exam 2024


Civics and Ethical Studies Model Exit Exam 2024


1 / 100

Which of the following is false regarding the state and government?

2 / 100

Among the following alternatives which one is not the major factor for the instability of the Horn African politics?

3 / 100

Among the following statement/s which one is/are not correct concerning applied ethics?

4 / 100

Which one of the following is not a major challenge of career diplomacy?

5 / 100

Which of the following covers up the distinctions between municipal and international law?

6 / 100

Of the following organs of IGAD’s, which one is in charge of preventing wars and conflicts through proactive measures?

7 / 100

An argument of environmental ethics that hold the basic idea that human beings as thinking animals are under moral duty to lead their lives in consistency with natural rules refers to_____

8 / 100

Identify correct statements concerning development ethics

9 / 100

All the following alternatives describes the rational model of public administration, except?

10 / 100

Which of the following is not the function of WTO?

11 / 100

Among the following alternatives which one is the best form of government for Machiavelli the republic?

12 / 100

_________ is a system of government in which the government governs by fusing the legislative and executive branch of government.

13 / 100

One is not among the contributions of Alternative Dispute Resolution Program

14 / 100

Which one of the following is incorrect concerning foreign policy? It is_____________

15 / 100

According to the cultural or subjective relativist, the fact that moral values vary from culture to culture or from individual to individual implies that no absolute or objective moral standards should be applied to all people in all times or cultures. The problem with this line of argument is that:

16 / 100

Assume that the word “dog” might evoke a fuzzy, heart-warming emotion in someone who has had mostly friendly experiences with dogs. But another person, who may have been bitten or attacked by dogs, may feel fear and revulsion. This assumptions best explain which of the following theories of society?

17 / 100

Which of the following alternatives is not a pulling factor of major powers in the Horn and Middle East Regions?

18 / 100

Which of the following is wrong about international human rights instruments?

19 / 100

Which of the following model advocated that, social classes, especially the opposing classes, through their struggle and following the process of revolution, move in the forward direction?

20 / 100

What is a criterion to evaluate the goodness or the badness of a given governmental political institution Rawls?

21 / 100

One is wrong concerning the Status of Ethiopia`s Foreign Policy in the Middle East during EPRDF.

22 / 100

For Machiavelli the prince which one is true about thing make a prince to be praised?

23 / 100

Among the following questions, which one do you think that requires answers from Axiology?

24 / 100

Regarding the constitutive theory of state recognition, which of the following is true?

25 / 100

Using all their resources, USA can produce one unit of wine/1hr and one unit of cloth/2hrs, and China can produce one unit of wine /2hrs and one unit of cloth/5hrs. In this case which one is correct?

26 / 100

Among the following diplomacy one is concerned with the process of convincing foreign audiences, trying to explain the ideas respective nation.

27 / 100

Why did a field of ethics of development arise? Because_____________

28 / 100

Which establishes the “tit-for-tat strategy,” or the premise that governments need to respond one another in kind, as an enforcement mechanism of international law?

29 / 100

Which one is true about public policy frameworks in relation with public administration?

30 / 100

Of the following statements, which one is false in relation to the idea of international law?

31 / 100

According to Ethiopian electoral law, who is not eligible to vote?

32 / 100

All are the main topics in contemporary IPE, except?

33 / 100

Which one of the following is not a treaty-based international human rights monitoring procedure?

34 / 100

Which one of the following is true about consolidated democracy?

35 / 100

Which one of the following does not describe about the aspects and salient characteristics of public Administration?

36 / 100

Which of the following state is odd in terms of accessing sea outlet in the Horn African region?

37 / 100

Which of the following factors negatively affect regional economic integration of Horn African States?

38 / 100

Which one of the following are not characteristics of liberal notion of citizenship?

39 / 100

When we switch subject term with its predicate term in a given categorical proposition result will be__________

40 / 100

Identify invalid statement about state obligation arise from human rights.

41 / 100

Which of the following is false about the theories on the origin and development of the state?

42 / 100

Among the following statement/s which one is/are correct concerning the significance of applied ethics?

43 / 100

From the following alternatives which one is/ are not barriers to critical thinking?

44 / 100

Which of the following is true about the political dynamism of Arab spring in 2010s?

45 / 100

Among the following options, which one does not align with the European Union’s interests in the Middle East?

46 / 100

Under which voting system is a candidate required to obtain at least one vote more than half of the votes cast in order to be elected.

47 / 100

Which one of the following is not a fallacy of relevance?

48 / 100

While giving the punishments, the following points need to be taken care of, except?

49 / 100

Let we say that country “A” has 100 million population with diversified language, religion and ethnicity. The country is also large geographically and there is the question of self-determination from local community. Which state structure do you think can fit this state?

50 / 100

Regarding the nature and origin of international law, which of the following statements is true in accordance with positivist theory?

51 / 100

The modern concepts of citizenship and peopleness are bound up in a package other concept except?

52 / 100

Gebre, I know you think that the Salale research institute should be located Gebra Guracha. Well, you are wrong. It should be located in fronts of Fiche town. How do I know? Gebre, I am your boss, right? And you are up for a promotion next month, right? You want the promotion, right? Well, then, the conclusion is clear. The Salale research institute should be located in Fiche town.
The fallacy committee on the above argument is_____________

53 / 100

Radical Democratic notion of citizenship characterized by all of the following except?

54 / 100

Of course, you need to buy a pair of Puma Shoe. Puma Shoeis really good and the entire Ethiopian famous runners like Fayisa Lelisa, Kenenisa Bekele Haile Gebrasilassie…ect can are wearing it in their international competition.
The fallacy committed on the above argument is ___________

55 / 100

Among the following one is not the component of peace-building?

56 / 100

Which model of decolonization is conceived as the purposeful fulfillment, rationally implemented by European administrators in cooperation with “moderate” indigenous politicians?

57 / 100

Which of the following is not among the core values and interests of foreign policy objectives?

58 / 100

Which one of the following categories of public policy involves what government is going to do?

59 / 100

Assume that country “B” has been conducted national election once in five years. During election all legally able citizens were casted their vote for their representative at each constituent area. The candidate who received majority vote join the parliament. Then the chief of executive elected from the winning party in the parliament. Based on this assumption, identify the system of government country “B” follow.

60 / 100

Which of the following best describe the distinction between the state and government?

61 / 100

Which one of the following is the dominant subject of international law?

62 / 100

One is incorrect about the nature and type of conflict in Ethiopia.

63 / 100

One is not among the domestic determinants of foreign policy?

64 / 100

The process of assessing the implications for men and women of any planned action, including legislation, policies and programs, in all areas and levels is:

65 / 100

Among the following alternatives which one is common for all Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau’s political philosophy?

66 / 100

Which one of the following conflict resolution strategies is essential for healthy conflict management?

67 / 100

Based on 1995 FDRE Constitution, which one of the following is not the powers and functions of the federal government?

68 / 100

Which one of the following is incorrect about human rights?

69 / 100

One is not the cause of organizational conflicts?

70 / 100

Which one of the following is wrong about primacy of economic realm perspective?

71 / 100

Regarding states as subjects of international law, which of the following claims is false?

72 / 100

Among the following political philosophers select the one who supported the continuation of state of nature.

73 / 100

Which of the following is a global organization dedicated to protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution?

74 / 100

Which one is not correct about Developmental states as development paradigms?

75 / 100

Which one is correct about the Idealistic Perspective on policy implementation?

76 / 100

If a constitution of a given state entitles the people to elect their leader who should hold office for a defined period of time, it is __________.

77 / 100

The principal justification for citizenship education derives from the nature of __________?

78 / 100

Which one of the following is the challenge of Indigenous Conflict Resolution?

79 / 100

Which one of the following is false about the notion of citizenship?

80 / 100

There are numerous examples of world governments explicitly forming a new state and then requesting the recognition of another state. It is likewise true in the instance of Somaliland, which sought primary recognition from the governing body after being explicitly separated from Somalia. But Somalia starts to show reluctance to acknowledge the recently established state of Somaliland. And without receiving any recognition from its neighbors, Somaliland declares itself to be a newly independent state. Which theories of recognition were used by Somaliland?

81 / 100

The neoclassical counterrevolutionaries argue that the third world is underdeveloped because of ____________

82 / 100

All are true about the council of ministers, except?

83 / 100

Which one of the following is incorrectly matched?

84 / 100

Identify the negative impacts of trade, investment aid and loan on developing Countries.

85 / 100

Which one of the following is wrong about House of Federation?

86 / 100

Which one of the following is correct about interrelation between state and market?

87 / 100

Which one of the following alternative illustrates the general features of public policy?

88 / 100

Regarding to the powers and functions of the president of FDRE, which one of the following is invalid.

89 / 100

Which one of the following is not true about New International Economic Order?

90 / 100

Mutual significance between politics and economics is actually critical. This view is the view of_________.

91 / 100

Identify the incorrect statement about philosophical foundation of human rights.

92 / 100

Which one of the following is the core principle and policy of social Democrats?

93 / 100

All are true about development, except?

94 / 100

Which of the following is correct about Interest theory and the Will theory of human rights?

95 / 100

Which one of the following is not contributing factors for genesis of citizenship?

96 / 100

All are disadvantages of unwritten constitutions, except?

97 / 100

Which one of the following is a feature of a democratic election?

98 / 100

Select the correct statement from the following alternatives

99 / 100

Which one of the following is false about disadvantage of written Constitutions

100 / 100

The basic justification behind Hobbesian and Machiavellian argument in support of strongest government is?

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