Agricultural Economics Model Exit Exam 2024

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Created on By Tadele Anagaw

Agricultural Economics Model Exit Exam 2024

Salale University
College of Agriculture and Natural Resource
Department of Agricultural Economics

Model for Exit Exam

Time allowed: 2:30 hr.

1 / 100

1) Which of the following tests compares the residual sum of squares computed with and without the restrictions imposed?

2 / 100

2) Which of the following are not third-world regions?

3 / 100

3) If there is high collinearity problem between variables;

4 / 100

4) Economic development refers to

5 / 100

5) What is gross domestic product (GDP)?

6 / 100

6) To say a give natural resource is essential;

7 / 100

7) Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix?

8 / 100

8) Which one of the following is incorrect statement about pricing strategy

9 / 100

9) The main differences between economic and financial analysis of a project lies on

10 / 100

10) The Harrod-Domar growth model suggests that growth is

11 / 100

11) V Company is considering a project that would require an investment of 48,000 birr. No other cash outflows would be involved. The present value of the cash inflows would be 52,800 birr. The present value index of the project is:

12 / 100

12) If the a company produces a new product and offering for sell at low price initially to gain customers’ attention. This types of pricing strategy is called___________

13 / 100

13) _________are incurred when commodities move from the farm to the final market.

14 / 100

14) Which of the following characteristics are most likely found in developing countries?

15 / 100

15) An underdeveloped economy is characterized by

16 / 100

16) When project gets acceptance in discounted investment criteria?

17 / 100

17) Which of the following is different from the others?

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18) When countries trade according to each country’s respective comparative advantage

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19) How can we measure the goodness of fit in binary regressand model?

20 / 100

20) Which of the following is true about marginal extraction cost?

21 / 100

21) Assume that a project is expected to have initial investment and life of Br. 350,000 and five years respectively. The annual cash flow estimated at 12 % discount rate is Br. 125,000 for each of the five years and the discount factor from the present value of annuity of table is equal to 3.605. What are the NPV?

22 / 100

22) Which of the following could be considered critical questions in development economics?

23 / 100

23) International trade and specialization are determined by

24 / 100

24) The impact of the project on international trade is reflected through

25 / 100

25) Which one of the following is incorrect?

26 / 100

26) Income inequalities are often shown on a

27 / 100

27) Which of the following is true about opportunity cost?

28 / 100

28) U Company has several investment opportunities to evaluate, but does not have the funds to invest in all of them. Which calculation would be best to determine which project(s) to choose?

29 / 100

29) Which of the following is true about Environmental economics?

30 / 100

30) What is the principle behind time value of money?

31 / 100

31) Balanced growth theories of advocates___________?

32 / 100

32) Which of the following countries is not a low-income country?

33 / 100

33) If a firm has a number of proposals which all have a positive NPV and IRR that exceeds the cost of capital, but can’t undertake these entire projects because of limited availability of fund. So what the firm should perform in order to rank these projects?

34 / 100

34) The Human Development Index (HDI) summarizes a great deal of social performance in a single composite index, combining

35 / 100

35) _______ are buy farm products from wholesalers and other actors and sell them to the consumers in small quantities.

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36) ___________is below the income that secures the bare essentials of food, clothing, and shelter.

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37) Which of the following factors are led to the growth in agricultural marketing?

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38) If rate of interest is greater than the increase in price per unit;

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39) The infant industry arguments refers to a tariff designed to

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40) Which of the following is example/s of fund pollutant?

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41) _______refers to the difference between the price at which a good is purchased from another company and the price at which it is sold to the consumer.

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42) The zero conditional mean assumption shows that;

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43) Market does not naturally lead to the optimal allocation of pollution emission. Because;

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44) Which of the following is the first stage in contingent valuation techniques?

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45) The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) combines three indicators. They are

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46) ___________is used to test the overall Significance of Regression Model

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47) The practical application of present value method includes one of the following except

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48) _________ is the term that shows/measures the degree of market performance

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49) Which one of the following is incorrect about market classification?

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50) Which one of the following is different from the other?

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51) Factor proportions theory is also known as the

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52) The World Trade Organization

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53) What is the Gross National Product:

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54) ____is the process of determining the needs and wants of consumers & being able to satisfy those needs & wants profitability

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55) _________ is a strategy that focuses on customer preferences and requirements.

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56) _________is a strategy used to set prices according to current prices in the market for the same or similar products or services.

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57) Assume that the project requires 10,000 unskilled labours for which the project control board (project promoter) has decided to pay a Br. 10 daily wage rate. The shadow price of unskilled labour is Br. 6 per day. What is the cost of unskilled labour from Private and economic point of view?

58 / 100

58) When Leontief tested the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, he found that in 1947 the United States was exporting relatively labor-intensive goods and importing relatively capital-intensive goods. This was called the Leontief Paradox. This finding:

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59) How can we know the presence of heteroscedastic problem?

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60) Assume a project whose NPV is 785 & -963 at discount rate of 6% and 7% respectively. What is the IRR?

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61) Which one of the following is incorrect about marketing cost?

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62) If the error terms of an equation has heteroscedastic problem;

63 / 100

63) Suppose you have given the costs and benefits of project in the form of cash. If you want to check the project worthiness and made investment decision through discounted measures of project worth, so what you should be done?

64 / 100

64) Which of the following are /is the cause of heteroskedastic problem?

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65) Which of the following is false about economic analysis of project

66 / 100

66) ______ is the methodologies and tactics adopted by the companies to convey the messages in a unique and creative manner to their existing and prospective customers about their offerings of products and services.

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67) With perfect income equality the Gini coefficient in a country would be

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68) _________is the set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market.

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69) Non-tradable goods are goods that do not enter into the international trade because of their;

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70) Asian tigers countries of East and Southeast Asia include the following except

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71) Imports are defined as the goods and services that we

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72) Which of the following statements is not true about import restriction

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73) If a nation imports a good that can be domestically produced, the market price of the good

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74) Autarky refers to a country

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75) ____is the study of all activities, agencies, and policy involved in the procurement of farm inputs and the movement of agricultural product from the farms to the consumer.

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76) _________ occurs when one observation’s error term (εi) is correlated with another observation’s error term (εj):

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77) Economic growth measures the

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78) A country has a balance of trade deficit if the value of its exports are ____ the value of its imports

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79) With international trade, a country

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80) What is hedonic price in environmental valuation?

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81) Infant mortality means__________?

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82) ________ is a pricing strategy that utilizes competitor prices as a benchmark, rather than setting a price based on company costs or customer value.

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83) Country A limits other nation’s exports to Country A to 1,000 tons of coal annually. This is an example of ___?

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84) When the fitted linear regression is given by Yi= 8+0.82Xi, the value of 0.82 shows:

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85) Assume the regression of log(wage)=0.25+0.75education, then which of the following is true?

86 / 100

86) Based on the data given above, what is the company’s accounting rate of return?

87 / 100

87) The standard error test of the parameter estimates measure:

88 / 100

88) Which of the following is false about revealed preference approach?

89 / 100

89) If producers sell new and innovative, or improvised products or services at a high price for a short period of time and then the types of pricing strategy that the producer uses is _____________.

90 / 100

90) H Company is studying a project that would have an eight-year life and would require a 300,000 investment in equipment which has no salvage value. The project would provide net income of 112,500 for the life of the project; What is the payback period for this project?

91 / 100

91) ______ describes the direction and volume of goods flow from producers to consumers.

92 / 100

92) As it relates to international trade, dumping

93 / 100

93) Suppose the project requires indigenous power equipment costing Br. 900,000 (estimated by project promoter). The power equipment produced indigenously is a tradable item whose FOB value is $100,000. The shadow price per dollar is Br. 9.5, though the official price is Br. 8.925. What is the cost of power equipment from private and economic point of view?

94 / 100

94) According to Rostow’s economic stages, which of the following does not belong to the “precondition for take off”:

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95) Present values are better than the same values in the future. Thus, which method can be used to include the time dimension in a given project evaluation

96 / 100

96) Which of the following is correct about public goods in economic analysis project?

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97) _______is designed to estimate the linear relationships between variables when either left or right censoring in the dependent variable (the dependent variable is between 1 and 0).

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98) _______ is the difference between the price paid by the consumer and price received by the farmer.

99 / 100

99) The biological maximum of fish population is occurred at;

100 / 100

100) Development economics focuses primarily on the poorest ___________ of the world’s a. population

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