Management exit Exam Model 2016

Created by Dr. Lemma Belay

Management exit Exam Model 2016

Choose the Best From the Alternatives

1 / 100

What is management?

2 / 100

Which quote best describes the role of management in an organization?

3 / 100

Which of the following statements about management as an art is true?

4 / 100

Which level of management consists of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, and the General Manager?

5 / 100

What is the primary function of management?

6 / 100

What is the function of staffing?

7 / 100

Which of the following is a factor affecting leading in management?

8 / 100

The process of comparing actual performance with standards and taking corrective action refers____

9 / 100

The process of allocating and arranging resources to carry out plans is called___.

10 / 100

What is the formal process of ensuring the availability of qualified workers at all levels in the organization?

11 / 100

Which of the following is NOT the functions of management?

12 / 100

How does management contribute to the welfare of society?

13 / 100

The highest level of management in the organizational hierarchy is known as:

14 / 100

Which of the following are the significances of management?

15 / 100

How many subordinates a manager can supervise, is determined by the principle of

16 / 100

Policy formulation is the function of:

17 / 100

The directing function of management embraces the activities of

18 / 100

This is a conventional distinction made between managers and leaders?

19 / 100

When managers dealing with problems, crisis, and changes beyond their immediate control refers to¬¬____.

20 / 100

Theory Y assumes which of the following?

21 / 100

Theory X assumes which of the following?

22 / 100

Which of the following is a characteristic of Participative leadership?

23 / 100

Transactional leadership has which of the following characteristics?

24 / 100

Transformational leadership has which of the following characteristics?

25 / 100

Which of the following is reward power?

26 / 100

Among the following, which one is not a leadership style?

27 / 100

Which of the following is an expert power?

28 / 100

Which of the following quality is not possessed by a leader?

29 / 100

In leadership trait theory, what is a trait?

30 / 100

Contingency theory is based on the assumption that the leader:

31 / 100

A long run dream of an organization refers

32 / 100

Which of the below is an example of laissez-faire leadership?

33 / 100

Leadership may be defined as ?

34 / 100

According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not a stage in the change process?

35 / 100

A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures in managing what change category?

36 / 100

In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process are called ?

37 / 100

Managers’ options for change essentially fall into what three categories?

38 / 100

The unfreezing step of the change process can be thought of as .

39 / 100

All are the advantages of Internal recruitment, Except;

40 / 100

A recruitment method used by employer/s to attract a large number of applicants to one location for interviews is;

41 / 100

The process of receiving and welcoming employees when they first join a company is called .

42 / 100

A type of Interview in which a board of interviewers questions and observes a single candidate is Known as

43 / 100

All are the goals of recruitment process Except:

44 / 100

The first and foremost process of recruitment plan is/are .

45 / 100

———is the process of filtering the applications of the candidates for further selection process.

46 / 100

Which of the following is/are a training process whereby a skilled person trains someone who is unskilled?

47 / 100

Which of the following is a performance rating error in which employee’s evaluation is biased because of comparison with another employee just previously evaluated?

48 / 100

Which of the following is a training system in which trainees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using on the job?

49 / 100

—————is fixed pay an employee receives on a regular basis, either in the form of a salary or as an hourly wage.

50 / 100

One of the following involves combining various activities at the same level in the organization and adding them to the existing job.

51 / 100

—————–Summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for getting the job done.

52 / 100

A process that identifies current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve its goals is—

53 / 100

A pay plan in which most employees are part of the same compensation system is

54 / 100

What is the main purpose of research?

55 / 100

Which of the following sampling methods does not allow for estimating the probability of each item in the population being included in the sample?

56 / 100

According to the sample design, when a sample survey is preferable to a census survey?

57 / 100

What is the main difference between research and the scientific method?

58 / 100

Which research technique is not associated with qualitative research?

59 / 100

Which type of research aims to find solutions for immediate problems?

60 / 100

What are the most common reasons people undertake a research?

61 / 100

What type of research aims to achieve new insights into a phenomenon?

62 / 100

Which of the following statements best defines the term “research”?

63 / 100

The chi square independent test can be used

64 / 100

Suppose a farming firm used fertilizer to increase its crop products. Accordingly if the test for goodness of fit indicates a test statistics of x2= 9.231 and assuming that the critical value is 11.210 what is the decision of the manager?

65 / 100

————–is statistical Analysis which measures and analyses the degree or extent to which the two variables fluctuate with reference to each other.

66 / 100

If the coefficients of correlation between two variables, r = 0.89, it mean

67 / 100

Suppose the average mean salary of employees of an organization is expected as 4000 birr. Currently 36 sample employees are selected and mean of salary of birr 4200 with standard deviation of 100 birr is computed. If whether the mean salary is more than expected, what is the alternative hypothesis?

68 / 100

While we make decision in hypothesis testing if we strongly reject the null hypothesis which is actually true, we commit

69 / 100

___is a measurement that the distances between consecutive numbers have meaning and the data are always numerical.

70 / 100

Suppose a raw data is collected from 30 sample individuals. If the data is organized using grouped frequency distribution, how many class intervals are created?

71 / 100

What is the geometric mean of the values 10, 25, 5, and 30?

72 / 100

What is the median of the values 3, 6, 4, 7, 10 and 8?

73 / 100

The arithmetic mean of 20 sample values was computed as 30. But, while calculated the mean value of two items are misread as 24 and 12 instead of 42 and 21 respectively. What is the correct mean?

74 / 100

————-is the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment.

75 / 100

Consider a quality control procedure where an inspector randomly selects two of five parts to test for defects. In a group of five parts how many combinations of two parts can be selected without replacement?

76 / 100

Suppose two coins are tossed. What is the probability that both will land tail up?

77 / 100

Suppose 40% of the people entering electronics store this month make a purchase. If 10 people enter the store, what is the expected number making a purchase?

78 / 100

Suppose sample of 4 products are tested. What is the probability of getting 2 defective items?

79 / 100

————-is the value that is computed from sample results and to be compared with the critical value to conclude either to accept or reject the null hypothesis.

80 / 100

————–is a probability distribution of all the values of sample statistics.

81 / 100

In selecting simple random samples of size n from a population, the sampling distribution of the sample mean can be approximated by a normal probability distribution as the sample size becomes large. This assumption indicates

82 / 100

The economic aspects of MsEs covers

83 / 100

One is not the Role/Importance of MSEs in Developing Countries?

84 / 100

The first stage of product development process is:

85 / 100

All are Intellectual Property Protection except one

86 / 100

One is not the core Marketing concepts

87 / 100

Marketing provides utility including:

88 / 100

The major Functional Roles of Marketing Research is/are:

89 / 100

All are the Marketing Research Components except one

90 / 100

The first stage in Marketing Research Process is

91 / 100

One is not the Importance of Marketing Intelligence?

92 / 100

Forces affecting organizational behavior are

93 / 100

Scope of Organizational Behavior does not include

94 / 100

In present context, challenges for Organizational Behavior are

95 / 100

Organizational behavior focuses at 3 Levels

96 / 100

What model has been constructed from Operation Research problems for solving the models that are available in many cases?

97 / 100

Which technique is used in finding a solution for optimizing a given objective, such as profit maximization or cost reduction under certain constraints?

98 / 100

Operation Research can help to evaluate only the effects of ———————————–

99 / 100

Which of the following is a method for improving an initial solution in a transportation problem?

100 / 100

In a transportation problem, we must make the number of —– and —– equal.

Your score is


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