Tourism &Hotel Mgt


Tourism &Hotel Mgt

Multiple Choose

1 / 150

It is the process of methodically gathering, analysing, and interpreting data about external opportunities and threats?

2 / 150

__________ Types of hotels are situated on the surface of water such as, Sea, Lake.

3 / 150

Which one of the following is not the strategic foundation for destination?

4 / 150

In Hotel plan modified American plan is characterized in ________?

5 / 150

The costs which vary in proportion to the volume of sales, for example food and beverage is

6 / 150

In a large hotels who is the person in charge to provide information to guests on hotel facilities, local events and attractions?

7 / 150

It is ranked among the most important sub-Saharan museums in Africa?

8 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with sales performance forecast.

9 / 150

From the following types of brush one is used to remove heavy soiling from small areas?

10 / 150

Hubbart formula sometimes called a “bottom up “approach the reason behind this concept will be.

11 / 150

Which one of the following is considered as the birth place of Ethiopian civilization?

12 / 150

Assume you are room attendant at Blue Nile Resort and Hotel, during your daily activities which one is wrong task to reduce safety risks?

13 / 150

Which one of the following is incorrect about itinerary (description of a journey)?

14 / 150

It is a type of tourism that involve activities like danger and spirit of voyage white water river rafting, mountain biking, Para sailing

15 / 150

Among the following alternatives which one is the first step of developing travel circuit in one destination?

16 / 150

The private or special tourist accommodation comprises?

17 / 150

The followings are statements to describe the term receiving, except;

18 / 150

Buyers are too numerous, widely scattered, and varied in their needs and buying practices it is the main reasons for;

19 / 150

Which one of the following is not the principle of event management?

20 / 150

Which one is the logical and systematic process of eliminating or minimizing the adverse impact of activities which may give rise to dangerous or damaging situations?

21 / 150

All of the following are functional management of sustainable tourism except;

22 / 150

Assume that Mr. John is a Germany person and now he is visiting the historical places of Ethiopia; what kind of tourist is Mr. John?

23 / 150

Which of the following one is true about organization?

24 / 150

It is a process of creating, communicating and implementing a more operational roadmap to guide the actions, policies and decision-making?

25 / 150

Ethiopian landscape is dominated by?

26 / 150

Select the correct statement about expanding recipe yield

27 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with shelf life of the items

28 / 150

One of the following is correct about the major reasons for evaluation of tour in one destination?

29 / 150

Which one of the following is not the function of Tour operator?

30 / 150

Which one is correct matched with Service procedure?

31 / 150

Among the following one is wrong in terms of front office department’s communication with other departments in the hotel.

32 / 150

A group of services related to travel or vacations that are sold together for one fixed price include helicopter rides, theatre tickets, picnics/recreational movement, community events, and hands-on learning experiences is?

33 / 150

Developing and promoting more varied uses of products among current markets by packaging existing products more effectively new features, experiences?

34 / 150

The organization chart of food and beverage service departments should be provided?

35 / 150

It comprises participation programmes aimed at the engagement of Small Medium Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) owned by previously disadvantaged persons in all types of contracts?

36 / 150

Which one of the following are not basic and essential principles of ecotourism

37 / 150

An independent tour designed to meet the needs of an individual client?

38 / 150

To all those individuals, who have potential to undergo any tour, but they have delayed their plan due to some reasons;

39 / 150

Among the following, which one is not the skill and quality of an ideal tour guide should have?

40 / 150

Among the following one is not common examples of Mechanical cleaning equipment?

41 / 150

The followings are describe Purchasing, except

42 / 150

One among the following is not a low demand tactics?

43 / 150

As you know Simien lodge is owned and run by one of foreign person/s; if so, what kind of negative economic impact show this case?

44 / 150

Which one of the following key actors of sustainable tourism the core of most sustainable tourism literature?

45 / 150

Which one of the following is the benefit of E-business?

46 / 150

Among the following one is not include in the activities of planning and designing stages the tour (pre tour preparation)?

47 / 150

The main aim of ___________hotel is to keep it away from the hustle and bustle, chaos and Confusions of the town.

48 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through item shelf life

49 / 150

Which one of the following activities is not performing during the check-in procedure in the hotel?

50 / 150

Among the components of tourism, which one is the means to reach and move around the destination?

51 / 150

Among three basic stock levels which one is correct about recorded level of stock;

52 / 150

The last action when an event organizer developing a sponsorship plan is?

53 / 150

Which of the following deals with the hotel acknowledging and verifying a guest‟s room request and personal information by telephoning, faxing, or mailing/emailing a letter of confirmation?

54 / 150

The things that make a big difference in service delivery system to customer service include?

55 / 150

Which one of the following constitutes the highest number of endemism on the bases of their environmental adaptation in Ethiopia?

56 / 150

A way of event marketing strategy in which keyword-rich article that is hosted on another website is?

57 / 150

Which one of the following is a free-lanced guide?

58 / 150

One among the emergency evacuation plan for emergency situations in hotel safety & security plans.

59 / 150

The followings statements are general storage guidelines, select the correct one related with the sequence of issuing items;

60 / 150

Which one of the following is not describe Tourism Resources of Western Ethiopia?

61 / 150

Which one of the following is a foot step to visit southern part of Ethiopian?

62 / 150

From types of stores, select the one for keeping perishable products chilled;

63 / 150

Which one of the following is correctly matched in terms of the definition?

64 / 150

The consumer uses evidence to reach at a set of final brand choices, to assess products, consumers look at product features, such as quality, price and location it emanates;

65 / 150

What a tour guide should check back and which things that includes reconfirm details of your tour; finalize some aspects of the tour Prepare contingency plan for the unexpected and spontaneous is?

66 / 150

Which of the following is incorrect about customer focused strategy?

67 / 150

Hotels more than 300 guest rooms are known as?

68 / 150

Call customers by their name and title is responding to customer needs for:

69 / 150

Describes a variety of characteristics about a certain type of visitor, often including demographic information, psychographic information and spending patterns?

70 / 150

_________ is a management philosophy or organizational culture that is based on the need and desire of its customers.

71 / 150

Key components of inventory in F&B control are;

72 / 150

The result we are going to gain after minus labor and material costs is

73 / 150

One of the following is not factors for increasing attention on developing distribution channels

74 / 150

The success or quality of tourism product highly depends on;

75 / 150

Select the correct statement about expanding recipe yield

76 / 150

The followings are statements to describe the term receiving, except;

77 / 150

Which of the following departments communicate mostly about room statuses or front office terminologies?

78 / 150

The followings are correct statements for the term Sales Histories, except

79 / 150

Which one of the following is mostly applicable for most events and festivals?

80 / 150

Which of the following elements of a destination is important as gives direction to the destination and attractions and facilities?

81 / 150

Which one is not true about basic food & beverage Service equipment?

82 / 150

Which one of the following positioning strategy implies all sources of cost advantage must be explored and that a standard, no-frills/basic product must be sold?

83 / 150

Which one of the following is not true about the Tour Guide?

84 / 150

From the following one is the main functions of front office department in terms of room Sales.

85 / 150

The followings are correct statements about Percentage Technique to expand recipe yield, except;

86 / 150

Which one of the following positioning strategy does South Africa and other long-haul destinations needs to apply over their competitors in order to secure a strong competitive position?

87 / 150

At the end of each travel to the specific destination the tourist is left with little that is tangible but an abundance of recollections. This Statement Refers to:

88 / 150

Which one of the following is the busiest department in hospitality establishment’s especially in hotels;

89 / 150

Sustainable tourism does NOT aim primarily at:

90 / 150

Assume your homeland is Singapore and you want to visit Ethiopia particularly walled city of Harrar so, in what forms of tourism you have decided to attend?

91 / 150

The Rule of thumb approach is fails to takes into considerations, since in establishing room rate. Except

92 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through the documentation of prior period operation?

93 / 150

Among the following one is the positive economic impact of tourism except________?

94 / 150

From the following one is wrong with respect to PMS in hotel operation.

95 / 150

___________________It’s the difference between sales of different periods

96 / 150

A type tour operators who promote tours to foreign destinations, may be business tours or leisure tours are?

97 / 150

Among the following which one is the reason for the growth of leisure time in tourism?

98 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through the documentation of prior period operation

99 / 150

Which one of the following is an educational event that can be used to quickly upgrade the employees’ knowledge base or showcase the company’s expertise on a specific topic?

100 / 150

The total number of persons who travel, or wish to travel, to use tourist facilities and services at places away from their places of work and residence is known as____________.

101 / 150

The perception of tourists about a destination is?

102 / 150

Which of the following statement best describes facilitating product?

103 / 150

Given to any individual or organization that makes travel arrangements on behalf of a third party, providing a link between customers and the suppliers of travel products and services is?

104 / 150

___________________Is the percentage/Share of guests choosing a given menu item from the list of alternatives

105 / 150

Food and beverage control tends to be more difficult than the control of materials in many other industries because

106 / 150

Suppose you are Housekeeping manager at Skylight Hotel, when you provide training for your staff about room status which room clean first?

107 / 150

Among the following, which one is not the advantage of a tour accompanied with a guide?

108 / 150

Which of the following is Incorrect about Front Office Department?

109 / 150

Which type of food and beverage service operation serving food at a location away from the caterer’s food production facility?

110 / 150

Forecasting in Managing the Cost of Food is not

111 / 150

The usefulness of standard purchase specification is

112 / 150

It is a tool of sustainable tourism used to assess the impact of tourism industry sectors and their operation through; Fee Advantage Analysis and Eco-friendly Assessing.

113 / 150

Which one of the following is not the function of distribution channel?

114 / 150

Which one of the following is combination incorrectly?

115 / 150

Maintaining of host and gust relation, which type of carrying capacity do you prefer?

116 / 150

It is the origin of the rare and critically endangered Coffee Arabica?

117 / 150

An organization, firm or company which buys individual travel components, separately from their suppliers and combines them into a package tour, which is sold with their own price tag to the public directly or through middlemen is?

118 / 150

Which is true about food and beverage control?

119 / 150

The followings are correct statements about Percentage Technique to expand recipe yield, except;

120 / 150

Which one of the following is wrong about the nature of tourism?

121 / 150

Which one of the following are losses and costs arising from legal actions for breach of a law, standard or guideline or breaches or statutory duty of care?

122 / 150

Suppose you are delegated to housekeeping manager at new establishing hotel, to minimize the cost of the hotel and to be profitable business, what type of laundry recommended to the hotel?

123 / 150

Choose the correct objective of storing,

124 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with product vendor schedule

125 / 150

A Commercial transaction in which two parties agree by way of offer generally involves marketing services provided by the event organizer in exchange for the sponsor‘s cash or in-kind contribution to the event.

126 / 150

From the flowing meal plan of a hotel which one is more flexible?

127 / 150

From the following one is the right guests’ checkout procedures in terms of sequence.

128 / 150

The following are ways of handling guest complaints except one?

129 / 150

What is the primary consideration of the pricing strategy revenue management?

130 / 150

Which one is incorrect about the principles of sustainable tourism management?

131 / 150

From the following bed room types one is mostly occupied by higher political officials as the result of its luxuriousness.

132 / 150

One of the following is not true about marketing plan.

133 / 150

Purchasing is essentially a matter of :

134 / 150

The followings are Determinants of storage space and type, select the one related with the outlet products.

135 / 150

Which one is among the determinant of Inventory levels through item shelf life

136 / 150

The followings are Benefit of accurate Sales Forecasts is, except

137 / 150

Among the following which one is false statement about Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior?

138 / 150

Which one of the following is not a base of hotel classifications?

139 / 150

A person who guides groups or individual visitors from abroad or from the home country around the monuments, sites and museums of a city or region” to interpret in inspiring and entertaining manner, in the language of the visitor’s choice, the cultural and natural heritage and environment is?

140 / 150

Which one of the following are the main responsibilities of room service manager?

141 / 150

Identify the wrong statement.

142 / 150

Among the following statements which one represents the eastern region of Ethiopia?

143 / 150

The followings are Benefit of accurate Sales Forecasts is, except

144 / 150

It is discouraging tourists from visiting traditional and cultural events on specific time;

145 / 150

Which one of the following are not basic characteristics of accommodation products?

146 / 150

Talk between the travel companies and the principals for the terms, conditions and prices of the components of a tour package”?

147 / 150

Which of the following guest cycles room reservation takes place?

148 / 150

Which one of the following is not a principle for managing and developing tourism destination?

149 / 150

The term leakage describes which phenomenon?

150 / 150

From the following is best applicable mechanism to manage revues in front office room sales.

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